50. Waiting

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A/N I changed the cover of this book. I just added the title, my name, and a quote. Check it out ⬆️

Also one year ago today I put the first 15 chapters of Forever Charmed up on Wattpad so I decided to upload my 50th chapter to celebrate. I'm so glad people are reading my story and are enjoying it! Here's to another year and 50 more chapters (hopefully more) ☺️

Chris's POV

We have been waiting in the waiting room for five hours.

Melinda: what time is it?

Paige: 12:30 in the morning.

Make that six hours.

Wyatt: who knew child birth took so long.

Paige: I want to have kids but this is making me change my mind.

Melinda: this is making you change your mind? Not the labor or the nine months of pain and sickness?

Paige: well I'm a witch whitelighter, I'm strong and basically fearless. But what I'm not is patient.

Henry: Paige.

Paige: hey Henry thanks for coming.

Henry: no problem. How long has it been?

Chris: four hours.

Henry: man. Does it usually take this long.

Paige: it ranges. Some women aren't in labor for very long and some are.

Melinda: I don't know if I'll ever have kids.

Chris: what! I'll never get a niece or nephew.

Melinda: what about Wyatt?

I looked over at Wyatt. He was talking to some girl. The girl then gave him a confused look and walked away.

Chris: like I said, I'll never get a niece or nephew.

Wyatt came back to the couches.

Wyatt: well that didn't work out.

Chris: hey Mel, remember when we were younger and you used to carry that baby doll around everywhere?

Melinda: yeah, so?

Wyatt: why did you bring that up?

Chris: well you said you don't know if you want kids but when you were younger all you wanted was just that.

Melinda: yeah well the older I got the more I realized it was real.

Wyatt: oh yeah you used to say to everyone who asked "what do you want to be" that you wanted to be a mom.

Melinda: there's no point to this conversation.

Chris: sorry, just trying to help.

Melinda: help with what? I'm fine.

Wyatt: ok

Melinda: I am!

Paige: hey Melinda want to come with me to get coffee.

Melinda: gladly.

They get up and leave.

Henry: so what was the whole point of that story?

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