39. Bump in the road

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A/N This was just a filler chapter. Thinking of more ideas but I needed to update. 👍😎

Phoebe's POV

We got out of the basement and, even though the storm was above us, we were walking to the stairs to go to the attic. The doorbell rang.

Phoebe: who the heck is out in this weather!

Piper: I'll get the door.

She went to get the door while the rest of us stood on the stairs listening. Piper opened the door.

Piper: yes?

Officer: Mrs. Halliwell?

Piper: uh, yeah.

Officer: I'm sorry to say this but we found your husband's car in the ditch but he wasn't in there. We are trying to find him.

On the stairs we all looked at Leo, who just slowly inched up the stairs out of sight of the officer.

Piper: oh, uh, that's terrible.

She could be more convincing.

Piper: where could he have gone in this weather?

Officer: we don't know. Was there anyone else in the truck with him.

Piper: uh, no I don't think so, why?

Officer: we found a cell phone that, by the way doesn't look like its from this century, belongs to a Wyatt.

We looked at Wyatt, he felt his pockets and gave us a worried look.

Wyatt: (whispers) oops.

Chris slapped Wyatt's arm.

Piper: can you guys stop back there, this is serious. Uh officer thanks you for telling me but there is nothing I can do about it right now so uh, thanks for coming.

She tried to shut the door on him but he stopped her.

Officer: may I come in?

Piper: why?

Officer: uh, look at the sky. I would rather not get blown away while driving back to the station.

Piper: (sighs) I suppose but aren't you supposed to be looking for my husband and this Wyatt? 

Officer: the police department are out there looking for and helping people.

Piper: uh...

She looked towards us and we all shrugged.

Piper: I guess.

Officer: thanks.

He stepped inside.

Officer: nice house.

Paige: thanks.

Officer: so who lives here

Everyone: we do!

Officer: all of you live here?

Phoebe: well technically only Piper, her husband and sons do but we all come here so much that it's like we live here.

Officer: are these your sons? They are adorable.

He pointed toward Wyatt on the floor and then to Chris in Paige's arms.

Piper: yeah that's Chris in my sister's arms and Wyatt on the floor.

Officer: Wyatt? Like the the one who is missing?

Paige: uh no. Wyatt is just 4 years old. He couldn't of gotten out of the car.

Officer: right.

Piper: well make your self at home, the basement is right through there if you would like to go down there. We'll all be right back.

We all ran up the stairs to the attic. When we got there Leo was already there putting the ingredients in a lot.

Leo: finally, what took so long?

Chris: it's not over yet.

Melinda: yeah the officer is down stairs.

Prudence: he says he doesn't want to drive in this weather.

Leo: great, we shouldn't send Prudence back with him here. What if he hears us.

Paige: Henry and I will keep watch.

She put Chris down in the play pen and left the attic with Henry.

Chris: ok, here goes nothing.

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