58. Birthday!

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Sorry it's been so long!

6 months later - November 5, 2007

Piper's POV

6 months have come and gone. Nothing much has happened, which is odd for us. There seems to be demon attacks every week, but we've only had about three since May. The summer was nice. Wyatt wasn't in pre-school so we had time to do family things. Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda went back to the future in July. This time I wasn't as upset. I have my little ones here and that's all that really matters. Phoebe has been busy taking care of Prudence. Coop has been gone a lot, he has new charges every week, so Phoebe comes to the manor and we take care of the children together. Paige is getting huge, I mean, she's having twins so I suppose she would. It's November and her due date is in two days. She is getting very hard to live with. Oh by the way, Paige is living with us. Her and Henry got into an argument over something, who knows what, and she just "moved" in last week. Once the babies are born I know her and Henry are going to forget about the whole thing. Well now that the last 6 months are summarized. Here's the present.

Paige: Piper!!!!

Piper: what. Is it time?!

Paige: what? No. I'm thirsty.

Piper: ugh, I'll be right back.

Paige: the usual please.

Piper: yep.

Paige's usual was a tall glass of ice cold water. With three ice cubes. Not two, not four, three. If she didn't get three ice cubes she'd freak out. Don't ask me why. I walked into the kitchen from the living room where Paige was laying on the couch. When I walked in Phoebe was in there holding a tall glass of water.

Phoebe: Here you go.

Piper: thanks. Three ice cubes.

Phoebe looked down and counted.

Phoebe: yep.

Piper: ice cold?

Phoebe: yep.

Piper: alright, that's what I'm talking about.

Phoebe handed it to me.

Phoebe: were we this needy when we were pregnant?

Piper: no, definitely not.

Phoebe chuckled. I walked back into the living room and Paige wasn't there.

Piper: Paige?

Paige yelled from upstairs.

Paige: I'm in the bathroom! Calm down!

Piper: okay. I'll just leave the drink here.

If Paige couldn't orb she wouldn't be able to get up the stairs without help. She's that big. Phoebe came out of the kitchen.

Phoebe: did the queen like her water.

Piper: she's not here.

Phoebe: darn. Then that comment didn't work.

Piper: sorry.

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