9. You said what!?

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Phoebe's POV

There is so much going on right now. Between Cole and Prue's return and Chris and this new girl, Melinda, I don't know what to do anymore. I wonder why Paige left to go home. She never leaves until Henry gets off of work.

Phoebe: why did Paige leave?

Piper: I don't know. She walked by me, said Chris wants to talk to you, then she left. I thought it was strange but oh well. She'll be fine.

Prue walked into the room.

Prue: need any help?

Piper: no, we are just trying to figure out who this new girl, Melinda, is.

Prue: where did she come from?

Phoebe: the future. She says she is a friend of Chris's but, we don't buy it.

Piper: yeah, they are both acting really strange.

Prue: well where are they now?

Leo: we don't know. They just orbed away.

Prue: weird.m

Piper: do you know where Paige is. If this Melinda girl is a demon, we might need the Power of Three.

Prue: oh, uh, no I don't know where she is but I did tell her that maybe she should give me back my spot in the Power of Three.

Phoebe: you said what!?

Piper: why would you tell her that!?

Prue: because I was a Charmed One first and I am the oldest.

Leo: that doesn't give you the right to say Paige should give up her spot. She was a Charmed One for 5 1/2 years you know.

Prue: yeah, I know she told me. But it's just that I miss being one so much. I really want to be one again.

Piper: well, it's to late. Paige is one now.

Prue: I know, I just thought it was worth a try.

Phoebe: no wonder she left and didn't say anything. She didn't want to face Prue.

Piper: wow you really messed up with Paige.

Phoebe: (to Leo) can you go get her so we can talk to her?

Leo: sure. (Orbs to get Paige)

Piper: I hope she'll want to come back.

Prue: I would really like to apologize to her.

Phoebe: sure you would.

Prue: I do. I feel so bad.

Piper: ok, well do tell us that, tell Paige that when she gets here.

Leo: (orbs back with Paige) here she is.

Paige: what do you want?

Prue: Paige, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to get so upset. I guess I just really missed bing a Charmed One and I wanted to be one again. You are right though. You were one longer and you have saved more innocents so, I'm going to step out of the way and you can stay a Charmed One.

Paige: thanks you, and I would really like to get to know you better.

Prue: ok well would like to go to lunch with me. I'm actually kind of hungry.

Paige: you're hungry? You're a ghost.

Prue: yeah well, I'm going to try and be human again even if I'm dead. (Laughs a little)

Paige: (smiles) ok well then I would love to go to lunch with you.

Prue: ok, shall we go then.

Paige: ok. Bye guys.

Prue and Paige leave to go to lunch while Piper, Leo, and I figure out about Melinda.

Leo: well, I'm glad that's settled.

Piper: me too. Now we can get back to figuring out about Melinda, and why she came back.

Phoebe: yeah.

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