70. The Final Battle Part 1

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6 months later

April 20, 2009

It has been six months since Piper received the note that said, "Prepare." The sisters have been on edge trying to figure out what the note could mean. They came up with a few leads but they always seemed to lead to dead ends. Not much else has happened over the six months. There have been no demon attacks at the manor so the girls have been able to focus on their individual lives.

Piper has been busy at P3 as well as at home. Just recently she has gotten word on a piece of property with an old building on it that she looked at, it's for sale. Piper wants to buy the property so she can finally open up the restaurant she's always wanted. Leo and Piper have also been busy with their three children, Wyatt (5), Chris (4), and Melinda (1).

Phoebe has just recently found out she's pregnant. She is very excited and she has been getting her apartment ready. Her and Coop have also been talking about moving to a house near Piper and Leo. Phoebe is doing great at the Bay Mirror and with her column. She also started writing her own book called, "Phoebe's "Finding Love"". Coop and Phoebe have both been spending as much time with their daughter, Prudence (1), as much possible before their new baby arrives in December.

Paige has been keeping busy as a whitelighter. She's gotten some new charges and she's determined to help them all the way. Her and Henry adopted Henry Jr. (9 months) back in October so they are getting used to having a baby around the house again. Their twins, Tam and Kat (1), also keep them busy.

Piper's POV

Well, it's six months later and nothing has happened. Literally nothing. There's hasn't been any demon attacks on us lately. It's weird, something is not right. Anyway, Phoebe, Paige, Leo, Coop, Henry, and I decided to have breakfast at the manor. We are celebrating the freedom from magic and demons that we are experiencing right now. I hope it lasts. I pick up a bowl of fruit from the kitchen and bring it into the dining room and set it on the table. Leo brings out a plate of bagels.

Piper: Leo?

Leo: yeah?

Piper: why do you think it's been so quiet lately.

Leo: well, the kids are asleep.

Piper: (smiles) no, I mean from demons.

Leo: who knows. But enjoy it. You three work so hard stopping evil that you deserve six months off.

Piper: thanks, it's just, something doesn't seem right. We have never had demons gone for this long. Something demonic always pops up but this time, nothing.

Leo: well, remember the note?

Piper: of course I remember it. That's why I'm so worried. It said, "Prepare."

Leo: maybe it did actually mean prepare for peace.

Piper: maybe. But it still doesn't seem right.

The doorbell rang.

Piper: come in!

Phoebe and Coop walk in. Coop is carrying Prudence.

Coop: I'll but her down in the playpen.

He walked into the living room while Phoebe walks into the dining room.

Phoebe: oooo, I love bagels.

She reaches down to grab one but I slap her hand away. She looks at me annoyed.

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