35. Arguing

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Piper's POV

I know it was them. They were here.

Piper: come on Phoebe, we have to find them!

Phoebe: Piper, it's my wedding day, please don't ruin it. We can look for them tomorrow.

Piper: I'm sorry, you're right. I'm just excited that they came back.

Leo came over.

Leo: what's going on, Paige said there were wedding crashers.

Piper: I think it was our kids.

Leo: they are upstairs sleeping. I also think they are a little young to be wedding crashers.

Piper: no, not little Wyatt and Chris, big Wyatt and Chris, and Melinda.

Leo: where did they go.

Phoebe: we don't know, but can we get back to my reception, please?

Leo: yeah, we're sorry.

We went back to the reception.

Chris's POV

We are in the attic talking, well, arguing.

Melinda: guys we were almost caught. This is Coop and Phoebe's night, we don't want to ruin it for them.

Chris: well then maybe we shouldn't have been talking on the stairs.

Wyatt: I thought it was safe. Everyone was in the dining room.

Chris: we need to be more careful next time.

Melinda: he's right, Wyatt.

Wyatt: me, what!?

Chris: ok, ok, enough. Let's just stay here until the party dies down.

Melinda: do you think we can just maybe take a peek. I want to see what aunt Phoebe's reception was like. She's always talking about it.

Chris: no, we may be seen.

Wyatt: I don't think one little peek will hurt, we just won't get caught.

Chris: (rubs his forehead and sighs) sometimes I feel like I'm the oldest.

Wyatt: well then that makes me not the oldest meaning I can go downstairs and peek.

Melina: me too.

They leave the attic.

Chris: wait guys.

I run in front of them and stop them.

Chris: no, sit, stay.

Melinda: we aren't dogs, well, at least I'm not.

She looks at Wyatt.

Wyatt: hey, I'm not a dog.

He sniffs the air.

Wyatt: hmm something smells good.

He walks passed me heading downstairs.

Melinda: right, not a dog.

Chris: let's go get him.

We start walking down the stairs when we notice Wyatt isn't there.

Melinda: where did he go.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around.

Wyatt: boo!

Chris: ahh!

Melinda: ahh!

Wyatt: (laughs) I orbed away to scare you guys and I got you! You guys are such scaredy cats.

Melinda: well at least I'm not a dog. Meow

Wyatt: woof

Melinda: MEOW!

Wyatt: WOOF!

Chris: shut up!

We looked around and everyone at the party was starring at us. Including our parents.

Wyatt: uh, hi. I'm George and this is Patty and Mark.

I slapped Wyatt.

Woman: those are the party crashers. Security!

Phoebe: since when was there security here?

Piper: wait! It's fine, they're cool.

Phoebe: yeah they're cool.

Woman: all right.

We walked down the stairs towards everyone.

Piper: guys, you're back.

Phoebe: and still fighting.

Wyatt: these too are being childish. I had to set them straight.

Chris and Melinda: what!

Chris: who here was the one barking?

Wyatt: well Mel was meowing.

Chris: this is why I feel like the oldest. I'm the only serious one.

Melinda: yeah right, I can be serious. You know, maybe I should be the oldest!

Chris: it's not as easy as it seems!

Wyatt: yes, thank you Chris now you know how I feel!

Chris: not really, most of the time you're the youngest!

Piper: ok enough!

Phoebe: you guys weren't fighting like this before. What happened?

Chris: Melinda wanted to peek at the party and I said no.

Wyatt: Chris is such a downer.

Chris: please, I can be fun.

Melinda: prove it!

Chris: how?

Wyatt: prank call someone.

Chris: that's lame.

Melinda: yeah I agree.

Piper: ok this has gotten out of hand. You three come with me. Phoebe and Paige you come too, you guys can help. Leo and Coop, can you get the people to leave and clean up that would be great, thanks.

Coop: uh sure.

Leo: some reception right.

Piper: yeah, ok get moving you three.

We walk with mom, Phoebe and Paige up to the attic.

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