20. The Sound

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Paige's POV

I got to the house and walked in. I don't need to knock, because they are my sisters. I walked to the kitchen where Piper usually is and guess what, she was in there. I knew it.

Paige: (weird voice) hey Piper. How's it going?

Piper: (coping Paige's voice) hey Paige. It's going good. (Done copying Paige's voice) what's with the voice?

Paige: nothing. Just making conversation. I decided to hang here because it was getting boring at my apartment by myself. So, what did I miss?

Piper: well not that I was expecting you to be here but you missed a demon vanquish and Chris forgive Prue for being always on edge with him.

Paige: so, nothing important.

Piper: Paige? Are you feeling alright?

Paige: yes, why do you ask?

Piper: because you're talking in a weird voice and you sound suspicious.

Paige: me? What, no. I'm not hiding anything.

Piper: (looks at her weirdly)

I couldn't take it anymore. When Piper does that look it's like she's digging into my conscience and pulling out my secrets.

Paige: fine. Before I left my apartment, I heard this faint whistling sound and when I turned around there was nothing there.

Piper: that's it? That's why you were acting strange? It was probably just the air conditioning or a vent or something.

Paige: well it's not the AC because we don't have air conditioning. But it could be the vents. Do vents make that sound?

Piper: I don't know.

Paige: I thought I was imaging it. Or it was a demon or something.

Piper: you could of been imaging it. You have a strange imagination. (Laughs a bit)

Paige: ha ha very funny.

Just then I heard that whistling sound again. I could see Piper heard it too. She was looking around the room confused.

Paige: see, that sound? Do you hear it? It's whistling.

Piper: (listening) your right Paige. I do hear a whistling noise. I wonder where that's coming from?

Paige: I heard it at my place to which means, it's not the vents or AC.

Piper: well, relax. If it was a demon he would attack us not whistle at us. So we are fine.

Paige: right. Hopefully.

Phoebe's POV

I'm at work right now. Trying to get this next column written before the end of the day. I looked up trying to find the right words to write. Sometimes writing columns can be difficult but being an empath helps a little bit. Just then I head a faint whistling sound. I looked around but I didn't see anything. I shook it off and went back to writing. The sound kept coming and it wouldn't stop. I was getting annoyed. I walked out of my office and into the main area.

Phoebe: whoever is whistling please stop. I'm trying to write my column.

Elise: Phoebe, no one is whistling.

I looked around. Elise was right no one was but I still heard the sound. Ok this is weird. I should go and tell Piper and Paige. I wonder if they heard the sound.

Phoebe: right, umm, I'm going to go home for the rest of the day. I think I'm overworking myself, I keep hearing whistling sounds.

Elise: yes, maybe you should.

I walked back into my office, grabbed my purse and I drove home.

Piper's POV

I still heard that stupid whistling sound. Where is it coming from? Just then Phoebe cam through the door.

Piper: Phoebe!? What are you doing home? Aren't you suppose to be at work?

Phoebe: uh, yeah, but I couldn't concentrate. I kept hearing this whistling sound. It was very distracting.

Piper: you heard it too!?

Phoebe: yeah. You heard it!?

Piper: yeah, Paige came into the kitchen saying she heard a whistling sound at her apartment. Then I heard it a few minutes after she said that and now you hear it too. This is weird.

Phoebe: very weird.

Paige came into the room.

Paige: oh, Phoebe, Piper and I have been hear-

Phoebe: I know. Piper told me. Oh and I've been hearing it too.

Paige: really!?

Piper: yep.

Paige: ok, so, what is it?

Phoebe: we don't know.

Paige: call Chris. He seems to know everything. Well expect for that Prue thing. (Laughed a bit)

Piper: Chris!

Chris: (orbed down) yeah?

Piper: Chris, do you hear that?

Chris: hear what?

Phoebe: that whistling sound.

Chris: no.

Paige: so can we just hear it?

Piper: I guess.

Phoebe: that explains why no one at the office could hear it when I asked who's whistling.

Chris: weird.

Piper: do you know what it is?

Chris: it might be The Sound.

Paige: The Sound?

Chris: yeah. Check the book.

Paige: wait. What is it?

Chris: it's this invisible demon thing. Kind of a demon thing. It annoys witches so they can't concentrate on saving innocents. Over time it gets louder and louder.

Piper: ok, so is here a vanquishing potion or spell or something.

Chris: there might be a spell. You can't use a potion because you can't see it.

Paige: ok, umm, let's check the book.

Chris: good idea.

We walked up to the attic to look in the Book of Shadows.

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