62. Destiny?

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Chris's POV

When I opened the door I wasn't expecting to see who I saw.

Chris: guys come here for a second!

Wyatt and Melinda came from the living room.

Wyatt: what the!

Melinda: (gasps)

Chris and Wyatt: Mark!

Melinda: Mark!

Mark: yes, my name is Mark.

Melinda: I thought you were dead ... I mean, hi.

Mark: (smiles) hi. Actually no, I was in a coma for 4 months and when I came out of it all these memories of me and a girl came rushing back to me. And soon I remembered her name was Melinda and that she was here.

Melinda: really?

Mark: and uh, well we didn't get much of a date 6 months ago, so would you like to go out again?

Melinda looked at me and I just shrugged.

Melinda: sure!

Mark: great! I'll pick you up at 7:00.

Melinda: sounds good.

Mark: see ya.

Mark left and I shut the door.

Melinda: Wyatt was right. The right guy is out there and I've already met him. Now he's back. It's destiny.

Melinda ran up the stairs.

Chris: Wyatt, isn't that strange?

Wyatt: what? That a guy who was dead in the future came back to life. Nope. Not in our house.

Chris: it's just odd. When I went to the future he was dead and now he was in a coma. I told you we'd mess up the future by having Melinda date him.

Wyatt: I don't see the harm in it.

Mom came down from upstairs.

Piper: hey guys, why is Melinda trying on a bunch of dresses in my room?

Wyatt: remember Phoebe's co-worker Mark?

Piper: yeah.

Chris: he's back.

Piper: from the dead?

Wyatt: he said he was in a coma for 4 months and he remembered Melinda and wanted to see her again.

Piper: how sweet.

Chris: yeah except when I went to the future to see what happened to him, he was dead. Now he's alive. That doesn't make sense.

Piper: well you probably changed the future.

Wyatt: for the better though, right?

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