61. Hovering ... not fun

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One week later

Chris's POV

We have been staying in 2007 for about a week now so Melinda can get her new hovering power under control. Although it's not really working out well.

Melinda: Chris! I'm stuck again!

Yep. Not working out.

Chris: well at least it's getting easier to just pull you down instead of a spell.

I pulled her down.

Melinda: this is getting annoying. My freezing power didn't take long at all to control.

Chris: well that one is easier. We get our powers in order of how hard they are. It's when we are ready for them, that's when we get them.

Melinda: well I'm not ready for this one.

Anyway, Paige and her twins came home yesterday. Both Paige and Henry are exhausted from taking care of twins but it will get easier. Wyatt, Melinda, and I still have to travel to 2008 to talk to them about Henry Jr. but that's for another day.

Wyatt: Chris? I need your help.

Chris: why does everyone want my help all of a sudden?

Wyatt: because your the only one on the ground who can help me right now.

Wyatt pointed to the left and I looked. Melinda was hovering again.

Chris: okay, now this is annoying me. Isn't there some potion you can drink to subdue your powers?

Wyatt: actually that's why I called you. For help on coming up with ideas on how to fix Melinda. Good job! Great idea.

Chris: thanks. Wyatt and I will go make it.

Melinda: okay but first can you pull me down one last time.

Chris: sure.

I pulled her down and all three of us walked up to the attic.

Melinda: hey that's a first. I walked all the way up here without hovering once.

Wyatt: see it's getting better.

Chris: alright let's make a non-hovering potion. Anyone know how to make one?

Melinda: there has to be something in the Book of Shadows.

Wyatt: I'll look.

Wyatt went over to the book and opened it.

Wyatt: I still can't believe how thin it is.

Chris: yeah it's weird.

Melinda: can we just find a potion please!?

Wyatt: sorry.

Wyatt flipped through the book.

Chris: anything?

Wyatt: not yet.

Melinda: guys, I really need this. I have not left this house in a week and it's driving me nuts.

Chris: well you haven't hovered since we got up here. Is that a good sign?

Wyatt: hopefully.

Wyatt continued to look through the book while Melinda and I paced around the room trying to think of ideas to help Melinda.

Wyatt: ah! I found one!

Chris: what's it called?

Wyatt: it's just a potion to help with levitation. Probably for Phoebe. Hovering is almost the same thing right?

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