
454 10 4

May 1, 2009

Piper's POV

Yesterday was crazy. We took down a powerful demon and stopped the source's resurrection. After that we all came back to the manor to reflect and rest. Today is Melinda's and Prudence's birthdays. We decided to celebrate with family and friends.

Piper: here, Leo, hang these banners.

I handed Leo two 'Happy Birthday' banners.

Leo: alright, but I think we have enough hung up already.

We looked around the house to look at the four other banners we hung up.

Piper: nah. Can never have too many.

Phoebe and Coop walked in the manor. Phoebe was carrying Prudence.

Piper: there's the birthday girl.

I walked over to Phoebe and took Prudence from her.

Phoebe: a very fussy birthday girl. Here come the terrible two's.

Piper: ah, yeah. Good times.

I could hear Leo scoff behind me.

Leo: in no way were those good times.

I just smiled and shook my head.

Phoebe: anything we can help with?

Piper: Paige and Henry are in the kitchen finishing up the cake. You can help them decorate it.

Phoebe: alright, come on Coop.

Coop laughed and followed Phoebe through the dining room into the kitchen. I put Prudence down in the living room to play with her cousins. I stood there watching my three kids play with Phoebe's and Paige's children. It's crazy to think how one day they will be the demon fighters. My kids become the Power of Three. They are the most powerful beings in the world. Phoebe now knows she's having a girl and that she'll have another girl in a couple of years, hopefully. We all know our future children. What we don't know is what the future exactly holds for us. Leo came into the living room.

Leo: let's get the kids and start this party.

I smiled at him and helped him bring the kids to the dining room. After an hour of eating the meal I made, we started catching up with old friends and family members (Darryl, Sheila, Grams, Prue, Mom, Dad, and Cole joined us for the party) where we all started talking about our futures.

Piper: I was just thinking, when I was looking at the kids play, how weird it will be to see our children grow up into the men and women we saw help us take down Naz.

Phoebe: oh yeah, that will be odd. I know Prudence as a two year old and a 23 year old, but what will she be like as a 13 year old?

Grams: teenage years. I remember those vividly. Have fun.

We laughed at her statement.

Piper: thanks Grams, but we still have a few years to go.

Grams shrugged.

Grams: just trying to help.

Darryl: so where are your future children?

Leo: you know what? I don't know.

Piper: they all left last night and we haven't heard from them.

Sheila: you're not worried?

Phoebe: they took down a powerful demon, we aren't worried about some psycho sneaking up on them.

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