63. Operation: Find Melinda Part 1

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Chris's POV

Mark: what is wrong!?

Chris: Melinda is missing.

Mark: what!?

Piper: okay, everyone calm down. Mark did she seem off at all when you brought her back home.

Mark: no. She was just really tired.

Wyatt: I say we start a search party around San Francisco.

Leo: that might take awhile. Do you know how big this city is?

Chris: that's why we have to split up. Piper, you stay here in case she comes back.

Wyatt: yeah. We'll all search different parts of the city and hopefully find something.

Chris: Mark I'll go with you. Show me every place you went last night. The exact route. Maybe for some reason Melinda went back there.

Leo: why would she do that?

Chris: I don't know but we have to try everything.

Piper: I'll do some, uh, searching of my own. If you know what I mean.

She meant scrying.

Wyatt: sounds good.

Chris: (mind) I can't feel anything from Melinda. Can you?

Wyatt: (mind) no. I'll keep trying though.

Chris: okay let's go.

We all left the house and went in different directions. Mark was showing me all the different places they went on their date.

Chris: so she didn't say anything to you? About maybe going out again or-

Mark: no! If she would have said something I would have told you!

Chris: jeez, sorry.

Mark: (sighs) no I'm sorry. I just really care about Melinda.

Chris: well I do too. She's my sister after all.

Mark: let's keep looking. Maybe she went back to the park.

Chris: good idea.

Melinda did always love the park. She went there every time she needed to think or escape from the world. We got to the park and started looking.

Chris: I don't see her. (Mind) Melinda! Are you there? Melinda, let Wyatt and me know!

Wyatt: I can't sense anything. Something's cut the connection. I just can't figure out what it is.

Mark: Chris? Are you okay?

Chris: oh, yeah. I'm just trying to concentrate.

Mark: okay, well the next place we went was down that street. We looked in some of the stores' windows before I took her home.

Chris: okay.

We walked down the street.

Chris: nothing.

Mark: Chris! I found something!

Chris: what!

I ran to where Mark was. He was standing over a pile of boxes in an alley.

Chris: what?

Mark: nothing.

Mark grabbed me and we disappeared.

Wyatt's POV

Ugh this is useless. No sign of her anywhere. Now that Chris and I can't get a connection from her, it's even harder.

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