25. A little party

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Wyatt's POV

We are looking Barbas. Where could he have gone? The only place he "hangs out" in is the underworld and we tried to sense him but we couldn't.

Melinda: maybe he blocked our powers somehow from finding him.

Chris: how could he do that?

Melinda: I don't know. He apparently can't be vanquished.

Wyatt: wait, yeah he can.

Chris: what?

Wyatt: you saw the way he was kind of worried and disappeared when we were about to vanquish him. He knows he can be vanquished but he thought the other Power of Three retired from the business so he told us he can't thinking we'd give up.

Melinda: yeah and with the new Power of Three, we can vanquish him.

Chris: wow Sherlock, how'd you figure that out?

Melinda: ha ha, very funny.

Wyatt: maybe if we join hands and think really hard about him, we might find him.

Chris: ok, let's do it.

We joined hands and all thought about him. I then felt this feeling, like I knew where he was.

Wyatt: guys do you feel that?

Chris: yeah, I do.

Melinda: me too. Does that mean we know where he is?

Wyatt: maybe. Umm, I feel like he's in the real world. He's on Earth.

Chris: maybe we should be looking for him up on Earth then.

Melinda: good job Sherlock.

Chris: ok, I guess I deserve that.

Wyatt: let's go guys. We don't have all day.

We orbed up to he alley way where we came in. We walked down the alley and turned the corner. We saw a lot of people shouting and screaming. Then they spotted us and started running our way.

Malinda: uh, guys. What's this?

Chris: I don't know. They probably think we are trying to kill the demons. We are bad here remember.

Wyatt: well let's not find out what they are going to do. Run!

We turned around and started running down the street in the opposite direction as the mob of people but they kept following us.

Chris: guys, wait, since they know about magic, can't we just orb?

Melinda: yeah, good idea. Where to? They know where we live. I'm guessing anyway.

Wyatt: how about the elders.

Chris: no, mom would kill us.

Wyatt: no, in this time she likes them, well likes them better then before. We will be safe up there.

Chris: ok. Let's go.

We orbed up the the elders leaving the mob of people standing there.

Wyatt: we can't look for Barbas up here though.

Elder: did you say Barbas?

Chris: yeah.

Elder: ha, that's ridiculous, he was vanquished.

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