18. Demon vanquish

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Chris's POV

Mom, Prue and I are in the attic trying to come up with a spell to vanquish the ghost demon. We aren't having much luck. But it would help if Prue stopped yelling at me every five minutes. I don't know what has gotten into her. She doesn't seem to like me very much. Every time I mention powers, she always give me this look that says, I'm going to kill you, or something.

Chris: any luck with that spell?

Piper: nope. Nothing seems to make sense for vanquishing this demon.

Prue: well just rhyme words. It's easy.

Piper: why don't you try then if you think it's so easy.

Prue: ok, umm, what about....get rid of this ghost demon...., he shall not stay, send his ashes...., far away!

Chris: that might work.

Piper: I don't know.

Chris: come on, at least it's something new.

Piper: ok fine. Uh, should we summon him then put crystals around him in case it doesn't work.

Chris: good idea.

Piper: ok, Chris, can you get the crystals?

Chris: sure. (Uses his powers to magically bring the box to him)

Prue: (rolls her eyes) seriously, the box is 10 feet from you, you could of walked!

Piper: Prue! That's enough! I will not have you keep yelling at my son, it's getting annoying.

Prue: fine.

See what I mean. She's yelling at me every time I use my powers. Maybe she's jealous. Nah.

Chris: ok, I'm ready. I'll put two down and Prue you put two down (I threw Prue two crystals)

Pure: ok. Let's do this.

Piper: (says summoning spell) *which I made up haha* I call the demon I wish to see, bring him forth, bring him to me.

A lot of wind started swirling around the attic. It lasted for about 10 seconds before the demon finally appeared in front of Prue and me.

Piper: ok Prue, now!

Prue: (puts two crystals down)

Prue: Chris!

Chris: (I put the other two crystals down, opposite of where Prue put hers)

A magic cage trapped the demon inside.

Piper: ok here it goes. (Beings to say vanquishing spell) get rid of this ghost demon, he shall not stay, send his ashes, far away!

The demon screamed with panic and fear before disappearing in a cloud of smoke and fire.

Piper: wow, Prue, I can't believe that worked!

Prue: well, I still know some things.

Chris: you should write that spell in the book so future witches, like my siblings and me, can use it if another ghost demon attacks for some reason.

Piper: ok. Uh, Prue? Would you like to write it in the book? You know, since you made it up.

Prue: sure, thanks. (She goes to the book and opens it to a blank page and starts writing) aaaand, there. Finished.

Chris: perfect.

Piper: you know Prue. You may be dead, but your still quite helpful. (Smiles)

Prue: (smiles)

Chris: (I heard jingling) the elders are calling. Be right back. (I orbed to the elders)

Piper's POV

Piper: let's clean up here.

Prue: uhh, Piper? Can I ask you a question?

Piper: sure.

Prue: you know Chris, umm, I was wondering, did he get my power?

Piper: probably. I mean so did Wyatt. It must be in our genes.

Prue: no, I mean, actually, literally, get, my power? From me, after I died.

Piper: uhh, I don't think it works that way. Is that why you are being so short with him? You think he stole your power?

Prue: kind of.

Piper: well he didn't! Besides, he didn't choose what power he got, it just came to him, so I suggest you apologize to him!

Prue: (looks down) I will.

Piper: thank you! (Keeps cleaning up)

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