33. Merry Christmas!

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Paige's POV

After the events of earlier today Piper doesn't even want to bake. We walked into the kitchen to start our very late Christmas dinner but all she did was sit at the table looking at pictures she took of them while they were here.

Paige: Piper, please come help us. I know it will make you feel better.

Piper: nah

Phoebe: Leo, can you talk to her?

Leo: uh, Piper?

Piper looked towards Leo.

Leo: you do know they weren't even suppose to be in our time right?

Piper: yeah I know

Leo: and we have two little kids upstairs who we love very much and we should be focusing our attention on them.

Piper: I know. I love my kids that's why I didn't want these three to die the way they did.

Paige: we've already established this. They didn't die technically

Piper: I know but they aren't here.

The door bell rang and Phoebe went to go get it.

Piper: what happened to our friends outside?

Leo: they just disappeared, same with Andy. It must have been after...you know what.

Piper: yeah

Phoebe came back into the room with Coop behind.

Phoebe: look who's here guys. My fiancé.

Coop: (smiles) hey how's it going.

Paige: uh, not good. Piper lost her kids

Coop: what!

Phoebe: well the older versions of them but they aren't dead they just aren't here. They are back in their time.

Coop: isn't that a good thing?

Piper: no! It's not! I basically lost my kids, I've grown to love those three! Ok, they are my kids!

She got up and left the room.

Phoebe: let her be, she needs her space.

We continued Christmas baking while thinking of ideas to help Piper.

-Future 2028-

Melinda's POV

Oh man. It feels like I got hit by a truck. I woke up with my brothers next to me. We were lying in the middle of the floor by the stairs.

Melinda: guys! Wake up. Chris, Wyatt!

Chris and Wyatt started to make a little noise so I shook them till they opened their eyes. They both shot straight up.

Chris: whoa. What happened? I feel like I got hit by a-

Melinda: truck?

Chris: yeah

Wyatt: guys wait remember, we were fighting Barbas back in-

Everyone: 2006!

Melinda: we must have...died.

Chris: that's the only way we could have returned.

Wyatt: what day is it?

Melinda: I'll check my phone.

I pulled out my phone to see it was Christmas Eve.

Melinda: December 24, 2028.

Chris: Christmas Eve. Guys we died on Christmas Eve, we left mom and dad back there with not even saying goodbye. We need to go back.

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