5. Four's a crowd

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Paige's POV

We were cleaning up the mess that Chris and Cole made. Seriously, I love that kid but he has a temper on him. I can tell something is bothering Chris. I've never seen him act this way before. Maybe I should ask him what going on. Then again I don't want what happened to Cole to happen to me. Haha.

Paige: ok, I'm just going to use a spell instead. (Begins to say the spell) let the objection become but a dream as I make the scene become unseen.

(The room automatically cleans itself up)

Phoebe: thanks Paige. Now I can get going to my date with Coop.

Cole: Coop, the Cupid?

Phoebe: yes, not that it's any of your business.

Paige: ok guys calm down we don't need another fight. Just go to your date Phoebe.

Phoebe: right. (She left the room)

Cole: I'm going too

Paige: don't spy on Phoebe's date.

Cole: I wasn't

Paige: oh really (gives him a weird face)

Cole: I wasn't (shimmers away)

Paige: (laughs a bit)

Just then Prue walked in the room. It was just her and me in here. Oh this is going to be sooooo awkward. I don't know her. I hope we will have something to talk about.

Paige: Hey

Prue: Hey

Paige: so, how's it being back?

Prue: well first day back and I already saw a fight. (Laughs a bit)

Paige: yeah sorry about that, Chris has never been like this. Well one time he attacked Leo but he was a Spider Demon. But then he kept attacking him after he wasn't one so I don't know what happened there, I guess he was just mad at Leo.

Prue: I missed a lot.

Paige: yeah you did.

Prue: speaking of being gone, I was wondering when I will get my spot back as a Charmed One?

Paige: I don't know if you ever will. I mean I'm a Charmed One now. I have been for 5 1/2 years. You were only one for 3 years.

Prue: I know, it's just that I was one first, and my last name is Halliwell. Yours is Matthews.

Paige: so!?

Prue: well don't you think that Halliwell is feared more. Cause it's the name of the most powerful witches.

Paige: thats actually what Leo said after Wyatt was born.

Prue: see, don't you think four's a crowd? I think four witches would be to much.

Paige: yeah well, then you can leave. I was here longer.

Prue: it is the Power of Three after all and well I was the first one.

Paige: you already said that, I know. Let me think it over.

Prue: there isn't much to think about but ok. Just so you know I am the oldest here.

Paige: (orbs away somewhere)

Prue's POV

That should take care of her. Hopefully Piper and Phoebe will agree with me and give me back my spot as a Charmed One.

Chris: Mom! Dad! You in here? (Walks in the room) oh Prue, have you seen my parents?

Prue: nope sorry

Chris: hmm (confused) (walks out of the room still calling for Piper and Leo)

Prue: Hope you find them!! (Yells after he walks out of the room)

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