49. The attack!

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Chris's POV

Cole shimmered out of the attic. All the white lighters followed. First we had to grab mom and Phoebe. Coop just remote beamed. We appeared in the underworld.

Cole: ok they are just down this hallway in a little room.

Leo: let's go over the plan. Cole, Coop, and I will orb in and keep orbing around the room forcing them to keep looking at us. Meanwhile you guys will put down the crystals when they aren't looking. Before you place the last crystal, I'll orb us out of the circle. Then you'll place the crystal and say the Power of Three chant, using the Power of Six. Got it everyone?

Everyone: got it.

We all ran down the hallway and looked around the corner into the room. There was about 30 demons in there.

Leo: here goes nothing.

Dad grabbed Cole and Coop's hands and orbed away. We looked into the room. Dad orbed in.

Piper: get ready guys.

We all nodded our heads.

Leo: hey over here!

Demon 1: the charmed ones!

The demon threw a fireball but dad orbed them away. They popped up in another corner of the room.

Demon 2: over there!

While they kept distracting, Paige, Wyatt, Melinda, and I each took turns to orb in, place a crystal, and orb out to get another one. We kept doing that until it was time to place the last crystal. It was about 30 minutes later.

Phoebe: who wants to place the last crystal?

Melinda: I'll do it.

Melinda took the crystal and orbed into the room. She nodded at dad and he took Coop and Cole's hands.

Cole: by suckers.

Dad orbed out and Melinda placed the last crystal.

Melinda: now guys!

Dad orbed back in the hallway with Coop and Cole. We then went into the room to join Melinda.

Demon 3: what is this!

Phoebe: it's an attack.

Demon 4: what!

Wyatt: you were going to attack us so, we decided to attack you first.

Demon 1: how did you find out about that!?

Piper: that's none of your concern now. Ready?

We nodded our heads. All six of us grabbed hands.

Demon 1: noooo!

The six: the Power of Three will set us free, the Power of Three will set us free, the Power of Three will set us free, the Power of Three will set us free!

Wind blew, rocks fell from the ceiling, and the ground shook.

Demons: noooooooo!

We kept chanting. The wind kept getting stronger. We kept fighting.

The six: the Power of Three will set us free, the Power of Three will set us free, the Power of Three will set us free!

A bright light surrounded the demons and then all of them blew up, followed by a loud sound. The wind stopped and everything was calm and quiet. Once it was over we all looked at each other.

Piper: is everyone ok?

Melinda: I think so.

Paige: yep.

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