17. Past "friends"

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Darryl's POV

I was walking up to the sisters' house. I was kind of "kicking myself" because I didn't really want to talk to them but I got up the courage to anyway. Here it goes. I pushed the doorbell.

*Ding Dong*

I'm kind of nervous. I haven't seem them in a year but that year seems like forever. Just then the door opens and there stands a familiar face.

Darryl: Piper!

Piper: Darryl!? I thought you were back east.

Darryl: I was but I got transferred back. You look great Piper.

Piper: thanks.

Just then I heard a familiar voice. One that I haven't heard in years. It was....

Darryl: Prue!? But how?

Piper: oh, uh, she summoned herself down here to us.

Darryl: see this is why I want nothing to do with magic. It's confusing.

Prue: Piper who's there? (Walks to the door) Darryl!?

Darryl: Prue. I haven't seen you since, you umm, well you know, died.

Prue: yeah, same here. Well not you dying but me dying. (Laughs nervously)

Darryl: right, well, can I come in?

Piper: sure. (Steps aside and Darryl walks in)

Darryl: the place still looks the same. Even though it blew up last time I was here.

Piper: yeah it blew up one other time too. We were fighting these two sister witches and things got out of hand, then the manor blew up, Phoebe and Paige died and well, it's a long story.

Darryl: again, don't want anything to do with magic.

Piper: sorry.

Chris: (orbs down) mom, I fig- (sees Darryl) Darryl!? What are you doing here?

Darryl: I got transferred from the east coast to here.

Chris: good for you. (Sarcasm)

Piper: what's wrong with you?

Chris: it's just last time I was here, I was put in jail, and didn't get any help from him. (Points at Darryl)

Darryl: look, I'm a cop. You stole a car and I arrested you. I was just doing my job.

Chris: you could of exposed my family.

Darryl: again not my problem.

Chris: (looks at Piper) now you know what's wrong with me. This guy.

Piper: ok Chris. Calm down. That was in the past and I've learned to not dwell on things from the past.

Chris: (sighs) you're right mom. (Looks at Darryl) sorry.

Darryl: thank you.

Piper: (looks at Chris) what were you going to tell me?

Chris: oh yeah. I figured out who attacked Prue.

Piper: who?

Chris: it's the ghost demon.

Piper: I never even heard of that.

Chris: there's always new demons popping up. You can now add this one to the Book of Shadows.

Piper: just great. (Sarcasm) what does the ghost demon do?

Chris: it attacks and collects spirits or ghosts on Earth to turn them into demons. It's not literally a ghost, it's called that because it collects them.

Piper: ok well we need to figure out how to vanquish it. We don't know a potion yet.

Chris: well, someone had to create the spells and potions.

Piper: I guess.

Prue: can I help? I mean it was after me.

Chris: sure but you don't have any powers.

Prue: don't remind me! (Looks at Chris)

Chris: (a little scared) ok.

Piper: (confused but shakes it off) ok let's start working.

Darryl: well, I'm going to leave now.

Chris: good idea.

I walked out of the house. Wow things are not as different as I thought but still different. It was kind of weird to see those past "friends", who were supposed to have died. Oh well. I shouldn't think about it to much otherwise I'll get a headache. Where to next? Maybe I'll just walk around and see if there is someplace I want to visit. I started walking down the sidewalk.

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