68. Halloween note

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A/N Sorry I've been away from the story for so long.

-Present 2008-

11 months later - October 29, 2008

Piper's POV

I'm in the kitchen at the manor. Phoebe is here too. She brought over Prudence to pay with Melinda.

Piper: is it just me or have they been gone for a very long time.

Phoebe: what do you mean?

Piper: Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda. It's almost been a year.

Phoebe: well, they do belong in the future. They are probably staying home.

Piper: I guess. They could have told me.

The phone rings and I pick up the phone.

Piper: long distance number? Huh.

I answer it.

Piper: hello?

???: how's it going?

Piper: wait a second, Chris!? Where are you?

Chris: in the manor.

Piper: Huh?

Chris: in 2030.

Piper: very funny. Where are you really?

Chris: no, I'm actually in 2030. I used magic to call you from the future.

Piper: long distance alright.

Phoebe: where is he?

Piper: 2030.

Phoebe: what?

Piper: magic.

Phoebe: ah

Piper: why are you calling me? And where have you been? I haven't heard from you guys in almost a year!

Chris: Sorry, I am just checking in. Future you wanted us to stay for a while. She wants family time.

Piper: oh, that's nice.

Chris: yeah, well, Wyatt and Melinda say hi.

Piper: oh, hi back. So uh, what's been happening?

Chris: nothing much. We told the twins that they cause magic mayhem in the future.

Piper: what! How did you find out about that?

Chris: 2008 Paige told us when we went there last year.

Piper: whatever. How did they take it?

Chris: actually, they took it very well. Melinda thinks something already happened but I think she's worrying for nothing. I hope.

Piper: you don't sound too confident.

Chris: well, they have been acting strange since we told them. It's almost been a year and nothing has happened so, I don't know. Wyatt is looking into it.

Piper: well, I hope you figure it all out. Come and visit soon.

Chris: will do.

Piper: oh one more thing.

Chris: yes?

Piper: how much will this long distance call cost?

Chris: (laughs) nothing. It's a magical call.

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