8. Seriously, who is this girl?

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Piper's POV

Leo and I walked back to Chris and Melinda. We were hoping to get more answers.

Piper: so I'm guessing you have powers too. Or do you just know about magic.

Melinda: umm (looks at Chris)

Chris: she just knows about magic. She caught me and Wyatt fighting a demon.

Melinda: right, and I was so shocked so they had to explain to me what that thing was and how they could move things with their hands and orb.

Leo: you know what orbing is.

Melinda: (nervous) yeah, Chris told me. It's those blue and white lights that circle around white lighters.

Piper: ok, so you do know a lot of magic things for a mortal.

Chris: well she learned from the best.

Melinda: yeah. (Smiles) only if you knew who.

Piper: (confused)

Just then Phoebe came through the front door.

Piper: hey Phoebe, your back. How was the date?

Phoebe: oh it was great. (Sees Melinda) who's this?

Chris: this is my friend, Melinda, from the future.

Melinda: nice to meet you, again.

Phoebe: again?

Melinda: yeah I have met you in the future.

Phoebe: oh, ok. Well, why did you come here? Last time a friend of Chris's came through a portal from the future, she tried to kill him.

Melinda: believe me I'm not going to kill Chris. I just came to say hi.

Piper: who got you here? Since you are a mortal.

Phoebe: she's a mortal!?

Melinda: uhhh, Wyatt helped me.

Chris: yep, Wyatt, helpful Wyatt.

Phoebe: so are you two together or something?

Chris and Melinda: no!

Piper: Leo and I already asked them that, then they got into an argument over it.

Melinda: yeah sorry about that.

Ok this girl is officially strange. She knows to much about magic. I don't think even Chris or Wyatt would tell her that much but maybe I'm wrong.

Melinda's POV

I was trying to explain the best I could, without giving anything away, who I was. It's harder then I thought to come here.

Chris: basically she was Wyatt's friend first, then we all became friends. Right Melinda!

Melinda: right Chris!

Piper: but what abo- (gets cut off)

Chris: ok, I've had enough questions! Why can't we just catch up in peace?

Leo: sorry it's just, we don't really trust her. Yet, anyway.

Chris: (sighs) I know but, NOW MELINDA!

Melinda: (freezes the room) thank goodness. They ask to many questions.

In the future freezing powers are stronger so I can even freeze witches.

Chris: we need to leave but first we need to unfreeze them otherwise they'll know you have powers.

Melinda: ok, where are we going to go?

Chris: I don't know. I'll orb us somewhere. I don't know where yet but I'll figure it out as soon as you unfreeze them.

Melinda: ok. (Unfreezes the room)

Piper: what happened. Why did you yell, now Melinda?

Chris: I just wanted to umm (grabs Melinda's hand) do this (orbs them away)

Phoebe's POV

I'm soooo confused. I go on one date and I miss so much.

Phoebe: seriously, who is that girl?

Piper: I don't know but I'm going to find out.

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