10. Wyatt

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Chris's POV

Right now Melinda and I are hiding out at P3. I sure hope they don't come looking for us here.

Chris: I sure hope they don't find us.

Melinda: me too. Maybe we should get Wyatt to help.

Chris: he's 3 1/2 what can he do?

Melinda: not little Wyatt. Our Wyatt.

Chris: we are not bringing him from the future.

Melinda: why not. He could help.

Chris: because, you already messed up the future by coming here.

Melinda: I don't know how you are my brother. Have some fun would you.

Chris: I'm not the type to go and have fun. I'm more serious and this is serious you could of changed the future.

Melinda: hm, there you go again, being a downer.

Chris: ok, we can't fight. If we fight we will just turn on each other and then they will find us. I need to send you back home.

Melinda: I can do that myself you know. I'm 21 years old.

Chris: well do it then.

Melinda: no! I came here to find out about my birthday and I'm going to do it.

Chris: that's what I came here for. And with you not at home, there's only Wyatt to fight evil. He might need help.

Melinda: oh please, Chris. Wyatt is one of the most powerful witches ever. He's got it under control.

Just then a portal opened up in P3 and out steps....

Chris: Wyatt!

Wyatt: Chris, Melinda. I'm glad I got you. I need help.

Melinda: what's wrong?

Wyatt: the demons are over powering us. They know you both are gone.

Chris: great. See what you did Melinda.

Melinda: this isn't my fault.

Chris: whatever. Wyatt, you need to take Melinda back with you.

Wyatt: right, come on Mel.

Melinda: no I'm not leaving besides since we are in the past nothing's happening right now there anyway.

Wyatt: she does have a point.m

Chris: fine. Wyatt you go back then.

Wyatt: heck no. I'm staying too. I want to see younger mom and dad.

Chris: fine. But I told them Melinda is a mortal who is a friend of ours. Ok.

Wyatt: ok.

Chris: let's go. (Orbs to the house)

Melinda: (orbs to the house)

Wyatt: (orbs to the house)

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