52. Victor

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Leo's POV

I walked out into the waiting room. I found Wyatt sitting on the couches but Chris and Melinda were no where to be seen.

Leo: hey.

Wyatt: hey.

Leo: uh, where are Chris and Melinda?

Wyatt: they went to get something to eat.

Leo: oh.

We were both silent for a moment.

Wyatt: did you need something?

Leo: uh, yeah actually. I wanted to talk to you three about something.

Wyatt: you can talk to me and when Chris and Melinda come back you can talk to them.

Leo: I think it'll be better if I wait. I don't want to explain it twice.

Wyatt: ok.

Melinda's POV

Chris and I are walking back to the waiting room. We walked in and saw Wyatt taking to dad.

Melinda: oh no

Chris: he can't keep a secret.

Melinda: hurry.

We walked quickly over to Wyatt and dad.

Wyatt: oh here they are.

Leo: guys I want to talk to you about something.

Oh no. Did Wyatt tell him something.

Chris: talk to us about what?

Leo: you three told Paige she is pregnant.

Oh that's all.

Chris: yeah so.

Leo: Chris, this is a different attitude from you.

Chris: what do you mean?

Leo: I thought you were all about protecting future secrets.

Wyatt: he's becoming more like me. I'm so proud.

Leo: anyway, your mom just wanted me to talk to you about not spilling anymore secrets unless necessary. Got it.

Wyatt: got it.

Chris and I nodded our heads in agreement.

Leo: thank you.

He turned around and went back into Piper's room.

Chris: Wyatt we thought you were telling dad all our secrets.

Wyatt: me?

Melinda: yes you. You can't keep a secret.

Wyatt: I can totally keep a secret. Chris remember that time Jason Reid told us he liked Melinda but not to tell her.

Melinda: what!

Wyatt: oops.

Chris: see you can't keep a secret.

Melinda: Jason liked me. Like liked me, liked me?

Chris: yeah but he didn't know how to tell you and he asked us not to say anything until he talked to you.

Wyatt: yeah but then he moved to New York so that never happened.

Melinda: Guys! He could have been my first boyfriend.

Chris: sorry. There are plenty of other fish in the sea.

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