29. Stuck in 2006

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A/N sorry for the long wait, been really busy, thanks for reading the story! 😃💜

Piper's POV

I'm in the attic with Leo and Melinda just took Chris and Wyatt out into the hallway to talk.

Piper: that was weird.

Leo: yeah but our kids are weird. (Smiles)

Piper: something's bothering her.

Leo: maybe. (Looks at Piper and smiles) you want to talk to her don't you?

Piper: yeah.

Leo: go ahead.

He gives me a little kiss on the head and orbs away.

I'm going to talk to her. I just know there is something bothering her and since I'm her mom maybe I can help. I walked downstairs to find my three kids sitting at the table talking.

Piper: umm, guys, can I talk to Melinda for a second.

Chris: uh, sure. Come on Wyatt. Let's go see us.

Wyatt: ok.

They walked up the stairs.

Melinda: hi, need something?

Piper: uh, no, well, kind of. When you walked out of the attic you looked like something was bothering you. Is there anything bothering you?

Melinda: (smiles) well, there was but Chris and Wyatt helped me through it.

Piper: that's good but you know you can come to me. I am your mom.

Melinda: yeah I know. I just didn't know if you could answer my question.

Piper: what was your question?

Melinda: oh, nothing.

Piper: Mel, come on.

Melinda's POV

She gave me that stare she does when she wants an answer and it's hard not to answer when she is looking at me like that. So I just said it.

Melinda: fine, umm, shouldn't you be pregnant with me right now?

Piper: umm, I don't know.

Melinda: (smiles) I mean because my birthday is in 8 1/2 months.

Piper: (smiles and looks at her stomach) maybe I am then.

Melinda: when will you know exactly.

Piper: why do you want to know?

Melinda: if your not pregnant I should have disappeared but I didn't so I need to know if you are to make sure Barbas didn't just trap us here.

Piper: that's ridiculous. What else would he have done?

Melinda: I don't know. Maybe he....oh no, maybe he actually, literally trapped us here.

Piper: what?

Melinda: if your not pregnant, and I'm not disappearing, maybe he made all three of us part of this world. We don't exist in 2028 anymore. Now we exist in 2006.

Piper: that doesn't make sense. I'm your mom. I had, well, Chris and Wyatt. And the little Chris and Wyatt are still here.

Melinda: so what does that mean?

Piper: it means that's if you three became part of 2006 I couldn't of have Chris and Wyatt because I would be like 5 when I had Wyatt. So if they are still here you three are fine.

Melinda: I guess.

Just then we heard footsteps running down the stairs and Chris and Wyatt are yelling. They came into the dining room.

Chris: uh I don't know how to tell you this.

Wyatt: little Chris and Wyatt disappeared.

Chris: well that was easier then I thought.

Piper: what! What do you mean they disappeared.

Wyatt: one minute they were there, the next, poof, gone.

Melinda: oh no. Was I right.

Wyatt: right about what.

Melinda: maybe Barbas made us part of 2006. We don't exist in our time anymore.

Chris: so wait, our little selves disappeared because technically mom would of been like, 5, when she had Wyatt....

Wyatt: so, she wouldn't of been our mom.

Melinda: do we have any records?

Wyatt: I doubt it.

Chris: great so we are literally stuck now and I don't think there is any way back.

Piper: hey, guys I'm still your mom. I have the stretch marks to prove it. They can't take that away from me. We will figure this out.

She walked into the living room.

Melinda: I hope so.

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