22. Different future

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Piper's POV

I know Chris isn't from this time, well, the adult Chris, but I miss him already. He's going to back to fight demons, powerful demons. I know he has the Power of Three with him it's just, worrying me.

Prue: Piper!

Piper: huh? (I looked at Prue)

Prue: you've been starring off into space for about 5 minutes. What's up?

Piper: nothing. (I lied, trying not to sound worried)

Prue: really? Then why are you in deep thought and didn't answer my question?

Piper: what question?

Prue: exactly.

Piper: fine, I'm just a little worried about Chris in the future.

Prue: (sighs) Piper, he'll be fine. That is his home you know and he has his siblings with him.

Piper: I know, but I've gotten used to him here and I just don't want him to get hurt. Or....(I shook at the sound of the next word) killed.

Prue: Piper relax. He and his siblings are the most powerful witches in the future. Believe me, he'll come right through the portal again in no time.

Piper: I hope.



I was following my siblings down an alley way. I have to admit, I've fought demons with two heads, huge teeth, sharp claws and one sat could kill me, but, I'm scared of this alley way. There's something not right about it. Creepy looking. This whole world looks creepy and not how I remember it but maybe I'm just not remembering right.

Wyatt: alright right down here. (He pointed towards an opening in a wall)

Melinda: come on Chris! (She shouted back at me)

I was a few hundred feet behind. I haven't been in this year for awhile I'm still trying to get it through my head what year it is and how it's supposed to look.

Chris: wait! Is that a door or a portal? (I asked referring to the opening in the wall)

Melinda: both.

Chris: what?

Wyatt: it's a door to the demon lair but a portal to transport us there.

Chris: ok.

Melinda: come on Chris. (She motioned for me to come)

I saw Wyatt pass through the portal door, then Melinda. Ok my turn. I steeped through the portal and I was expecting the worse possible scenario but no. What I saw was different, well, for a demon's lair.

Chris: what the?

Wyatt: what? (He asked me)

Chris: why is it beautiful, with soft grass and flowers everywhere.

Wyatt: this is the demons' lair.

Chris: but how?

Melinda: basically, demons are good now and witches, us witches, are bad.

Chris: oh.

Deja Vu. This is just like when dad and I were transported into the parallel world.

Wyatt: you seem not surprised at all. We thought you would be.

Chris: oh, umm, it's nothing.

Melinda: ok, well, while the Wyatt, Mom, Paige, Phoebe, and I were up there (she looked up referring to the elders) someone down here-

Wyatt: probably a demon.

Melinda: right, changed the world. They want people to think killing witches is good.

Wyatt: we need to stop them.

Chris: this is a different future, I knew it. (Smiles)

Melinda: congratulations but could you celebrate some other time, you know, a time when we (she raised her voice) WONT GET KILLED!!

Chris: (surprised) ok, ok.

Melinda: thank you.

Wyatt: if you two done chit chatting, I would like to get here demons before we get killed ourselves.

Melinda: sorry, let's go.

Chris: what's her problem?

Wyatt: I don't know.

We followed Melinda through a tunnel leading us, hopefully to that demon.

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