27. The party's ruined

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Wyatt's POV

Chris: well, what did I miss?

Piper: ah, nothing much. I've just been on a baking craze since you left, but, nothing really. (Nervously laughs)

Chris: mom, come on, we all know you bake to clam down. I'm ok see, I'm here.

Piper: but for longer? Or are you leaving again?

Chris looked at me and Melinda. I hate to say it but I don't have the answer to that question. I just gave Chris an I don't know look.

Chris: umm, maybe. (Smiles a bit)

Piper: (sighs) I'll take it.

Darryl: what happened to a magic free evening, huh?

Phoebe: sorry Darryl. I told you, these's always a possibility.

Darryl: yeah, I can see that. Umm, maybe we'd better go.

Sheila: uh, yeah. It was nice while it lasted. (Smiles) thanks for having us.

Piper: no problem. Hopefully we can finish this some time.

Darryl: maybe.

They walked out the door with their son.

Paige: I don't think they are ever coming back again. (Chuckles)

Phoebe: probably not. (Smiles)

Piper: anyway, now back to your problem, you say Barbas came to this time?

Wyatt: well, we're guessing, I mean we went in the same portal as him and we're here.

Melinda: unless he-

Chris: Melinda's right and then he wou-

Wyatt: that makes sense and th-

Melinda: right.

Chris: ugh, I'm going to vanquish that no good....time traveling demon!

Wyatt: (sarcasm) nice come back.

Chris: sorry, first thing that came to my mind.

Piper: excuse me. Can you tell us what's going on here? What did you guys just find out?

Melinda: well, Barbas tricked us into coming through a portal but-

Chris: he switched the this portal with the one he went through so-

Wyatt: he could keep our time evil without us butting in.

Chris and Melinda nodded their heads in agreement.

Phoebe: Piper, why did you have three kids?

Piper: huh?

Phoebe: with one kid we would only have to listen to one at a time. Listening to three is exhausting.

Paige: wait, so your saying, your..stuck..here?

Chris: kind of, yeah. Only Barbas can open the portal back.

Piper: wow, we need to fix this. Wait, where's Leo?

Paige: wasn't he just here?

Piper: Leo!

Leo orbed down.

Leo: yes?

Paige: where'd you go?

Leo: the elders. I figured if Cole could help, so could I.

Phoebe: that's sweet, but what can the elders do?

Leo: I don't know, I just thought-

Piper: yeah, ok, thanks and all, but we have another problem.

Leo: what?

Piper: these three are stuck here because Barbas went through a portal and then they followed but he must have switched the portals or something because Barbas isn't here. We don't think.

Wyatt: yeah but on the bright side we get to stay with you guys and see what our childhood was like, for a little bit anyways.

Chris: yeah and at least he sent us here and not someplace random.

Wyatt: (sarcasm) yeah, how nice of him.

Melinda: but guys we don't belong here. We need to get back to our time.

Phoebe: she's right. You can't stay.

Paige: yeah and it's not that we don't want you to stay, but you know, it's not your time period.

Piper: she's right, so, I think we should go make-

Chris: a spell or potion.

Wyatt: right. Ok let's go Mel and Chris.

Piper's POV

The three of them walked by us on their way upstairs.

Piper: ugh. They do everything now. What about us?

Paige: maybe this is a good thing.

Piper: how?

Leo: well you three can take a little break because it looks like our kids want to handle everything. Technically, if you think about it, they have been doing this longer than you.

Phoebe: yeah, yeah.

Leo: so, let them handle it and you guys can go do something fun.

Paige: alright then. Umm...I guess I'd better go home. Where did Henry go.

Leo: oh he left already. He said he didn't want to interfere with the magic stuff. He also took the car so you can orb home.

Paige: uh, I guess that's what you get when you marry a mortal. (Smiles) anyways. See you later.

She orbed out.

Phoebe: I guess I should find Coop.

Coop: no bother, I'm right here. I was cleaning up the mess. Someone had to.

Phoebe: (smiles) oh yeah, sorry about that. Well let's go somewhere and have a bite to eat since we didn't really get to eat here.

Piper: I swear though, that food was the best ever made.

Leo: Piper, why don't you calm down by doing something.

Piper: ok, I will ba-

Leo: no baking. You did enough (smiles)

Piper: I guess, but since the party has been ruined, there's nothing else to do.

Phoebe and Coop yelled from the front door.

Phoebe and Coop: bye guys!

Phoebe: see you later!

They left.

Leo: well, we'll just let our kids handle it and we can go watch tv or something.

Piper: no....I'm going to go check on them and see if they need help.

Leo: no, Piper.

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