64. Operation: Find Melinda Part 2

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Wyatt's POV

Melinda was most likely taken by her "boyfriend", Mark. And now I can't get a signal from Chris, and he was with Mark, so I'm just assuming Mark took Chris too.

Piper: wait, what?

Leo: we think Mark is behind Melinda's disappearance.

Piper: that's crazy.

Wyatt: no it's not. And now dad couldn't sense Chris so think Mark did something to Chris too.

Piper: that doesn't make any sense. If he were a demon I think we would have known about it six months ago.

Wyatt: not if he became a demon after he got hit by the car. It is sort of like how when dad died in the war and he became a whitelighter.

Leo: except Mark went the other direction.

Piper: well I don't know how I feel about Melinda dating a demon.

Wyatt: believe me, after this is all over, Melinda is not going to be dating Mark, or any other guy, for awhile.

Leo: Wyatt, go get Phoebe and we'll call Paige. We need to find Melinda and Chris.

Wyatt: okay.

I orbed to get Phoebe.

Melinda's POV

Chris and I are still sitting in a dark, small room. No one has come to see us for over a hour.

Melinda: ugh! I've been here for almost nine hours now! Where is Wyatt?

Chris: he is probably getting everyone's help and they are thinking of a plan.

Melinda: well they should think faster.

Chris: hey, I hear footsteps.

Chris and I went to the door and looked through the window. It was Mark.

Melinda: well, look who decided to come back. Are you done kidnapping my family now?

Mark: actually, no. I've still got Wyatt to get.

Chris: what do you want with us?

Mark: you three are the all powerful Power of Three from the future, right?

Chris: who wants to know?

Mark: my boss.

Melinda: and who may that be?

Mark: someone you'll meet very soon.

I looked at Chris. Chris was just focusing on Mark so I turned my head back towards Mark as well.

Chris: yes. We are the future Power of Three.

Melinda: there. Are you happy now?

Mark: (laughs)

Chris: what?

Mark: you think I'm happy?

Melinda: well, you seem pretty content to me.

Mark: I didn't choose this life okay. After I got hit by that car and almost died, my boss came to me and told me I could live if I worked for him. I didn't know who he was and I just wanted to live so I said sure. I was in a coma for four months and the next thing I knew I was in the underworld and told that I had to find three future siblings who have more power than the present Power of Three. Now I didn't know what in the world he was talking about,  but he gave me an address and well, you know the rest.

Melinda: lovely story, but can we get back to why you want us?

Mark: my boss has a plan. And he can't wait to get it started. All he needs is enough power. And guess what.

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