6. Secrets

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Chris's POV

I was looking all around the house for my mom and dad but I couldn't find them. I am walking up to the attic and I spot Paige sitting on the stairs.

Chris: what's wrong? (Sits down by her)

Paige: it's nothing.

Chris: come on, you can tell me. Maybe I can help.

Paige: well, I was talking to Prue and she kind of wanted me to drop out of the Power of Three so she could be a Charmed One again. Is that fair?

Chris: what! No, that's not fair! You were a Charmed One longer!

Paige: I know, but for some reason, she thinks she gets to be a Charmed One instead of me. She says it's becuase she was one first and that she is the oldest.

Chris: well I definitely don't think that is fair. She shouldn't of even talked to you about it.

Paige: well I'll figure it out, thanks Chris.

Chris: Any time. By the way have you seen mom or dad?

Paige: no why?

Chris: it's nothing. I just wanted to talk to them.

Paige: ok Chris I know something is bothering you. Now it's my turn to help, what is it?

Chris: I can't tell you. It might mess with the future.

Paige: well I won't tell any one and if it doesn't involve me how will it change anything?

Chris: (sighs) ok, one of the reasons I came back was because of someone named Melinda.

Paige: I know I heard you talking to Piper and Leo about her. So who's this Melinda?

Chris: she's mine and Wyatt's younger sister.

Paige: what! Piper and Leo have another kid!?

Chris: yeah, you can't tell anyone! I came because Melinda wants to know about the day she was born. And she didn't want to come back because since you guys don't know her she thought it would be hard to gain your trust. Like it did for me.

Paige: you couldn't tell us that? What's wrong with telling us that?

Chris: well that's not the only secret I have and I don't know if I can tell you the other one.

Paige: what other one?

I don't know if I can tell Paige this secret. By telling her this it might mess with the future but it also might not so I don't know what to do. She kind of has me cornered right now.

Paige: well????

Chris: I don't think I can tell you.

Paige: oh come on Chris, it isn't that big of deal.

Chris: your right so I don't have to tell you. Thanks.

Paige: that's not what I meant.

I got up and left. Thank goodness. If I told her it could of messed with the future. Now I have to find mom and dad and talk to them about Melinda.

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