16. Darryl's back

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*the next morning*

Piper's POV

I'm so tired. We celebrated till 3 in the morning yesterday, or I guess this morning. After we finished eating we went to my club, P3, to have some drinks. I really hope this marriage lasts because we celebrated too much for this engagement. Then Phoebe came running into the kitchen.

Phoebe: wasn't last night awesome!

Piper: (yawns) yeah, awesome.

Phoebe: did we keep you out past your bedtime? (Smiles)

Piper: haha, very funny. I'm just not use to staying out until 3 in the morning. I am a mother you know.

Phoebe: oh yeah, what did you do with Wyatt and Chris yesterday?

Piper: I called that elf nanny.

Phoebe: oh, right. I thought you didn't really want her as a nanny anymore.

Piper: I didn't, but she is a good nanny, so, I called her and asked her if she wanted to babysit again.

Phoebe: well, I'm hungry. I need to eat and get to work.

Piper: (looks around) you know what we forgot about?

Phoebe: what?

Piper: where's Prue?

Phoebe: hmm, (looks around the room) I don't know. I haven't seen her since that night her and Paige came back from dinner.

Piper: well, we shouldn't be worried. She is dead after all.

Phoebe: yeah. I'm just gonna grab a bagel and be on my way to work.

Piper: alright, have fun.

Phoebe: got it (laughs a bit) (she leaves the kitchen)

Chris: (orbs down into the kitchen) (yawns)

Piper: you're tired too huh?

Chris: yep. Why is a stupid engagement such a big deal. When I got engaged the world was falling apart and we didn't have time to celebrate.

Piper: well this is Phoebe and she has been waiting her whole life for this moment so cut her some slack.

Chris: ok.

Then we heard a bang coming from the other room.

Piper: what was that?

Chris: let's go see.

We ran into the dining room and I saw Prue there fighting some demon.

Piper: Prue! Where have you been?

Prue: not the time right now!

Chris: (throws the demon against a wall with his powers)

Piper: Prue! Are you ok!

Prue: I'm fine. I'm dead remember.

Paige came running down the stairs with a potion vile.

Paige: (throws the potion at the demon)

Demon: (disappears before the vile hits him)

Paige: ugh. (Sighs) You ok Prue?

Prue: yeah, I'm fine.

Piper: ok, now where have you been?

Prue: I know this is crazy but I've missed demon hunting so much so I just wanted to try and vanquish one myself but obviously my powers don't work. I don't know why. When Grams is here, well in spirit, she has her powers.

Chris: maybe it's different for you.

Prue: why!?

Chris: (steps back in fear) I don't know.

Piper: well, you definitely can't be going out there without powers fighting demons.

Prue: why not? I'm already dead.

Piper: yeah, but, umm I don't know, it's just a sister instinct to say don't, to fighting demons!

Prue: fine. I won't until I can figure out what is wrong with my powers.

Paige: well. I'd better get going home. Henry is probably was wondering where I am. He's probably at work now but since we got done celebrating so late, I decided to sleep here and not wake him. Call me if anything comes up. (Leaves the house)

Chris: I'm going too.

Piper: where?

Chris: I don't know, but away from her. (points at Prue) She scares me. (Orbs away)

Darryl's POV

I just got back from the east coast. Being a cop there was ok but it's nothing like San Francisco. The good thing about over there though is that there weren't any demons. Well, that I know of anyway. I just hope the sister don't try and get me back in the whole demon fighting thing because I am done with that. I walked into the police station I used to work at, and there, in my old desk, was someone else. What! I know I quit but still.

Darryl: excuse me?

Man: yes?

Darryl: who are you?

Man: Henry. (Looks confused) Can I help you with something?

Darryl: yeah. When did you start working here?

Henry: almost a year ago. Why?

Darryl: so they just go and fill my spot. Whatever.

Henry: what? (Confused)

Darryl: nothing. Umm....are you by any chance helping the....Halliwell sisters?

Henry: umm....not thats it any of your business but yeah I help them with things.

Darryl: like (leans closer to him and whispers) magic things?

Henry: ok, umm, who are you?

Darryl: (still whispering) I was the cop here before you and all I did most of my time was cover for them durning their magic mess ups.

Henry: (whispers) you know their witches?

Darryl: (whispers) yeah. I'm guessing you know them well.

Henry: uh yeah I should, I'm married to one of them.

Darryl: (whispers) what!

Henry: uh, you don't need to whisper any more.

Darryl: right. Which one are you married to. Phoebe or Paige?

Henry: Paige.

Darryl: wow. I guess I missed a lot that year I was gone.

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