34. Wedding Day!!

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Phoebe's POV

I can't believe this day I finally here! I've waited for this day for so long. Paige is doing my hair while Piper stresses over everything.

Phoebe: piper will you relax, it's my wedding day.

Piper: I know Phoebe, that's why I can't relax. Everything has to be perfect for you and Coop.

Paige: you didn't make this much of a deal on my wedding day.

Piper: well, I just want it to be perfect for Phoebe since she is having it at Magic School, while you had it here at home.

Paige: uh huh, sure.

Piper: it's true

Paige: keep telling yourself that

Piper: whatever (playfully slaps Paige)

Leo walks into the room.

Leo: girls you almost ready?

Paige: yep, I'm just finishing up on Phoebe's hair and we'll be ready to go.

Piper: where's Coop?

Leo: he's already at Magic School.

Piper: ok.

Paige: and, done. There you go.

Piper: Phoebe you look beautiful.

Phoebe: aww Piper, save the tears for the wedding.

Piper: (smiles) ok, will do.

Leo: come on let's go.

I took Paige's hand and Piper took Leo's and we orbed to Magic School.

-Future 2028-

Chris's POV

We are all sat around the dining room table, eating our Christmas dinner.

Piper: so, let's start a conversation shall we.

Melinda: nah

Chris: I'm good

Wyatt: no thanks

Leo: come on guys, you have all been mopey since you get back here from 2006. We are your family. You three belong in this time not that time.

Piper: your father is right. Let's have a family time ok.

Melinda: your right mom. Ok what should we talk about? Chris?

Chris: umm, Wyatt?

Wyatt: pass the potatoes please.

Chris: Wyatt, any conversation starters?

Wyatt: umm, no, I'll pass.

Leo passes him the potatoes.

Wyatt: thanks.

Melinda: this is ridiculous! We can't even talk to each other. Mom, Dad, we're sorry for ruining your Christmas but I think we should excuse our selves and get some air. Right guys.

Chris: (confused) right Mel. May we be excused?

Piper: uh, sure. As long as you three come back able to talk to us and each other.

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