65. Operation: Find Melinda Part 3

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Chris's POV

Melinda and I have been trying to get the key for awhile.

Melinda: it's no use. There's no way to get that key without magic.

Chris: where is everyone? I was sure they would have came up with a plan by now.

We heard a voice in the hallway. Melinda and I went to look out the window. It was Mark coming with ... Phoebe!

Melinda: Phoebe!

Phoebe: Melinda! Chris!

Mark unlocked the door and pushed Phoebe inside. He shut the door and looked through the window.

Mark: you all have one hour for your brother to turn himself over to me or else. You all better hope he turns himself over.

He turned around and walked down the hall.

Melinda: Phoebe? What happened?

Phoebe: Wyatt and Leo told Piper, Paige, and me that you two were in trouble so we tried to sense you but that didn't work so we came down to the underworld to find you.

Chris: why were you with Mark?

Phoebe: he took me as leverage. If Wyatt doesn't turn himself in to Mark, they'll never see me again.

Chris: what!?

Melinda: we can't let that happen!

Phoebe: they won't.

Chris: Wyatt is going to turn himself in. That's just who he is.

Phoebe: what does he want with you guys?

Melinda: he wants the future Power of Three because his boss needs a lot of power.

Phoebe: who's his boss?

Chris: who knows. Probably some upper level demon who hates us.

Phoebe: sounds about right.

Wyatt's POV

I have to turn myself in. I have to save Phoebe, Chris, and Melinda.

Leo: Wyatt, don't you be thinking what your thinking.

Wyatt: huh?

Piper: you want to turn yourself in.

Wyatt: I have to save Phoebe.

Paige: hey, Phoebe is a strong woman. She can take care of herself, believe me.

Wyatt: this is ridiculous. She's your sister.

Piper: yes, and we know her better than anyone. She will find a way out of this.

Leo: and that way is not you turning yourself in.

Wyatt: (sighs) fine.

Piper: why don't we go looking for them?

Paige: good idea. I just wish we knew where to look exactly.

Leo: well we aren't going to find them staying here so, let's go.

We started walking down the hall.

Melinda's POV

Phoebe, Chris, and I have been sitting in silence for a few minutes trying to come up with some kind of plan.

Melinda: anything guys?

Chris: nope.

We heard the door in the hallway opening and closing. I went to look out the window.

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