36. Counseling

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Piper's POV

I don't know what has gotten into my kids but they need to be straightened out, like, now! My kids are all sitting in the couch in the attic. Wyatt on the left hand side, Chris in the middle and Melinda on the right. I was sitting across from them between Phoebe and Paige on the little table.

Piper: ok first of all, tell me your names and professions.

My kids looked at each other like I was crazy.

Piper: I'm serious.

Chris: are you really?

Phoebe: just do it, make her happy.

Wyatt: I'll go first, my name is Wyatt and I'm a white lighter witch.

Chris: I'm Christopher and I'm the same as Wyatt.

Melinda: I'm Melinda and the same as them.

Piper: very good, now tell me your relation.

Melinda: you know how we're related.

Paige: do it.

Melinda: we are siblings.

Piper: ok

I pretend to write that stuff they just old me down on a piece of paper.

Piper: when would you say the arguing started.

Wyatt: when Melinda was old enough to talk.

Melinda: are you saying I'm the cause of this!

Chris: no, he's saying that's when we all started arguing.

Wyatt: yeah calm down Mel.

Melinda: oh I'll show you calm!

She starts to jump at Wyatt but Chris caught her.

Chris: stop! We are here to stop this. Please continue mom.

Piper: thank you. Now I'll ask you all questions separately and I want the others to stay quiet. Got it.

Wyatt, Chris and Melinda: got it.

Piper: ok Wyatt

Melinda: but why-

Piper: shh

Melinda: sorry

Piper: ok Wyatt, how old are you

Wyatt: I'm 27

Chris: is this really necessary.

Piper: what did I say. Ok Wyatt, have you ever felt smaller than these two.

Melinda: Wyatt? He's like 10 feet tall.

Piper: that's not what I meant and shh.

Wyatt: yes I have

Chris and Melinda turn their heads to look at Wyatt a little surprised.

Piper: I see, can you please explain why.

Wyatt: Chris is always so serious, he's the leader. Melinda is so popular, everyone knows her. Then here I am, the oldest, no one notices me. I'm always playing tricks on them because I want them to notice me for being me.

Chris and Melinda are now sitting there, starring at Wyatt in shock.

Chris: what? That's crazy, Mel and I look up to you. We always have.

Melinda: yeah, we do notice you being you. We get get annoyed by it sometimes but what siblings don't get annoyed with each other.

Chris: Wyatt we're sorry that we made you feel that way.

Melinda: yeah

Wyatt: thanks guys.

Piper: ok Chris's turn, Chris do you feel that, according to Wyatt, the serious one, do you feel that you don't ever have "fun".

Chris: I mean, I do have fun but I would like things like, messing up the future, to be serious. And these two are always having fun and don't care about consequences.

Piper: do you two feel like you can be serious more on things that could have consequences.

Melinda: I'll try. Wyatt?

Wyatt: me too.

Piper: great and last but not least Melinda. Do you think being he youngest is hard on you?

Melinda: I do. I was the last to get my powers, the last to master the spells. It's hard for me when Chris and Wyatt know all of this stuff from the past and I have no idea what they are talking about. I feel left out.

Chris: I didn't know you felt that way. We would have included you if you asked what we were talking about.

Wyatt: yeah we didn't know you didn't know that stuff. We'll tell you from now on.

Piper: I think you guys just solved your problems.

Melinda: bring it in.

Wyatt, Chris and Melinda hugged and they motioned for Phoebe, Paige and me to join them. We then ended the hug.

Paige: I'm glad you guys got everything straightened out.

Chris: me too. Thanks mom.

Piper: we'll leave you three alone.

Phoebe, Paige and I left the attic.

Melinda's POV

We are talking about the things that just happened when a flash of light spread throughout the attic.

Chris: what the-

Melinda: everyone take cover.

We ran out of the way of the object coming through a portal. We got up and looked at who just came through the portal.

Melinda: Prudence!?

I ran to her and hugged her. Prudence is Phoebe's first born child.

Prudence: you guys have to come back. I went to the manor and you guys weren't there. Aunt Piper said you went in a walk but I figured that's not all you did.

Wyatt: wait why do we need to come back?

Prudence: oh right, there have been weird weather patterns going on at home ever since you left. Something is off and I think it's because you three aren't there. It's shifting the balance.

Chris: that makes no sense, we've been here longer before.

Prudence: yes but this time, I'm here and me coming to get you has created a shift. The storm back home is probably worse now that I'm gone. We have to hurry before the portal-

Melinda: it's closing!

Prudence: hurry!

We ran to the portal but it closed before we got there.

Prudence: no! Now with me stuck here the whole balance is off.

Wyatt: uh, guys.

We ran towards the window where Wyatt is.

Chris: oh my-

Melinda: is that?

Wyatt: yep.

Prudence: it's a storm all right. A bad one by the looks of those dark clouds. Darkest I've ever seen.

Chris: we have to warn everyone downstairs. Let's go.

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