46. An attack!?

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Chris's POV

Paige, Phoebe, Wyatt and I are in the attic. A dark lighter attacked before and we are trying to figure out why.

Phoebe: there is just no possible explanation as to why a dark lighter would attack us.

Paige. Yeah, who's after us now?

Phoebe: I don't know. Some times dark lighters come on their own but most likely they are hired by a higher power.

Paige: but who's the higher power? We vanquished The Source.

Chris: maybe some upper level demon hired him to do his dirty work. Or he knew it was a death wish so he sent some one else.

Paige: that makes sense.

Piper walked into the attic.

Piper: I finally got Chris to sleep. (To Chris) Why would you never get to sleep easily?

Chris: (shrugs) I don't know.

Someone shimmers in.

Piper: demon!

Piper is about to blow him up when she realizes who it is.

Phoebe: Cole!

Paige: where have you been. We haven't seen or heard from you in four months.

Cole: that's not important, what's important is that some one is after you guys.

Piper: demons are always after us.

Cole: I know but this time there is a plan of attack. An attack on you guys.

Paige: how do you know this?

Cole: for the past four months I've been down in the underworld. I'm like your personal spy.

Phoebe: uh, no. But continue.

Cole: so while I was down there I heard about this plan, so I kind of went undercover to find out more about it. Sadly they wouldn't let me know all the details but I did find out about that attack.

Chris: do you know when the attack will be?

Cole: they didn't give a specific day and time but they did say when the planets align they will be most powerful so, I'm just guessing here, they'll attack when the planets align. 

Phoebe: well when will that be?

Chris: it must be soon since they have their plan figured out.

Paige: well, there is one way to find out when that will happen, the Internet.

Phoebe: I'll get my laptop.

She left to get it.

Cole: so how have you all been?

Piper: fine.

Cole: I see you and Phoebe are pregnant.

Piper: very good Cole.

Cole: do you know what you're having?

Chris: she's having a girl.

Wyatt: and so is Phoebe.

Cole: thank you Piper.

Piper: Cole it's fine.

Phoebe came back into the attic with her laptop. She put it on the table and started typing.

Phoebe: ok, umm, "planet alignment coming?". And search. Alright it says here in late April into early May, about the 28th of April to the 2nd of May, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars will all align for the first time in 50 years.

*None of this stuff is true, it's just for the book*

Paige: We have two weeks until the 28th so we have time to prepare for this attack. I just wish we knew how bad the attack is going to be.

Cole: I'll try and find out.

Piper: thanks Cole.

Cole: no problem.

He shimmers away.

Piper: alright let's start making potions. Our powers and The Power of Three may not be strong enough to defeat this attack.

Paige: what about the dark lighter?

Piper: this is more important now.

Chris: I bet the dark lighter came to check in on us for whoever is making this plan.

Piper: that is very possible. And when the dark lighter didn't return back, they probably realized we are still powerful.

Phoebe: so that's why they decided to attack during the planet alignment. They need more power like Cole said.

Wyatt: how powerful will they be?

Piper: I don't know but we can't take our chances. Let's start making the potions.

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