13. The future Power of Three!

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Piper's POV

Well, I just got a lot of news all at one time. Melinda is my daughter. The one I saw in the future but I thought I was never going to have. And my three kids grow up to be the Power of Three. The most powerful witches ever. I can't believe this. It's so much to take in. Right now I'm in the living room asking Chris, Wyatt and Melinda about their Power of Three.

Piper: so, your Power of Three, is it different than ours?

Melinda: well what do you mean by different?

Piper: how strong are you guys? Put together I mean?

Chris: well, to tell you another truth, (laughs a bit) we are actually more powerful than the present Power of Three.

Piper: how is that possible. Our Power of Three is already really powerful.

Wyatt: well, it's true.

Piper: ok, wow. That's great!

Chris: it is?

Piper: yeah it is. My three kids grow up to be the Power of Three. The Charmed Ones. (Smiles)

Wyatt: yeah well. We were taught by the best Power of Three we know. (Smiles)

Piper: thanks.

Then Phoebe came into the room.

Phoebe: I'm going on a date with Coop. If anything comes up call me or send one of your kids to get me. Ok wow, that sounds weird. Well, bye guys. (She leaves the house)

Piper: would you guys like to spend the night? Even though no time is changing in the future.

Chris: sure, thanks mom. I'm actually staying for awhile. Trying to help.

Piper: what about you two?

Wyatt: we'll probably leave in the morning. Melinda just wanted to know about her birthday.

Melinda: yeah but it hasn't happened yet. That's why Chris came. He was going to stay for a year or so to tell me about your pregnancy with me and the day I was born. But I think he came back to soon.

Chris: yeah well, I just guessed. It's fine though, I can stay awhile.

Piper: that's fine with me. (Smiles) where do you guys want to sleep?

Wyatt: we'll sleep on the couch. Or the floor, in Chris's case. (Smiles)

Chris: why do I have to sleep on the floor? You're the oldest!

Wyatt: so!?

Melinda: ugh, I'll sleep on the floor. (Looks at Piper) boys.

Piper: yeah, (laughs) well good night guys. Sleep tight.

Chris, Wyatt and Melinda: thanks mom.

And with that we all went to bed.


I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen. I pored myself some coffee and sat down. I then got a call.

*phone call*

Piper: Hello?

????: It's Paige.

Piper: Paige? Why are you calling at 6 in the morning?

Paige: I was just attacked by a demon that's why!

Piper: what! At your own house!?

Paige: yeah. So what should we get Phoebe to vanquish it?

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