38. The storm's here!

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Phoebe's POV

Piper, Paige, Melinda, Prudence and I are all at home preparing for the huge storm.

Melinda: guys the windows are rattling from the wind.

Piper: I hope Leo and the boys are ok.

Paige: they're fine, they're white lighters remember.

Prudence: ok, I got all the supplies we'll need in the basement.

Phoebe: I'm actually kind of glad you came back to get them. That way I got to meet you.

Prudence: me too but because of me that storm out there is getting worse and worse.

Piper: well, that's why we are doing what all of San Fransisco is doing right now, taking cover.

The power goes out.

Melinda: and there goes the power.

Paige: I think we have a battery powered radio in the attic.

Melinda: Prudence and I will get it. You guys continue with the supplies.

They left for the attic.

Paige: I'm going to call Henry and see where he is.

She left the kitchen.

Piper: don't you want to check on Coop?

Phoebe: he's on the Cupid plane getting his new charge people or whatever you want to call them.

Paige came back into the room.

Paige: Henry just said he was leaving the station. I told him I was staying here so he's on his way over.

Phoebe: ok, we need to get the supplies in the basement like, 5 minutes ago. The storm is coming, fast.

The windows were rattling because of the wind. The noise was getting louder.

Paige: alright get the supplies in the basement now.

Prudence and Melinda came back into the kitchen.

Melinda: here, we have the radio. We put new batteries in it as well.

Melinda turned on the radio and the storm was all over the news.

Radio: the worst storm in decades is minutes away. Everyone must take cover now.

Melinda: everyone we need to get to the basement now.

Piper: what about Leo and the boys.

Paige: they'll be here. Let's go!

Chris's POV

We are at a Chinese market getting all the ingredients needed for the potion.

Leo: guys the Windows are rattling.

Wyatt: almost done. Where is the rabbit's foot?

Chris: we don't need a rabbit's foot for the potion.

Wyatt: no, we need luck, to get home safe.

Chris: come on Wyatt pay for the stuff.

Wyatt: me? Why me?

Leo: I'll pay for it, the storm will be here by the time you two decide who pays.

Leo paid for the ingredients and we left the store, trying to walk down the street to the car. We were all shouting because the wind was too loud.

Chris: why is this so hard!

Leo: the wind is to strong that's why!

Chris: I figured that!

Wyatt: there's the car!

We got to the car and got in. Leo started the car and we drove away.

Chris: that was horrible.

Wyatt: is it just me or are the clouds getting darker.

Leo: I think the clouds are getting darker.

The car started swerving.

Leo: I can't keep it on the road.

Chris: dad watch out!

Leo looked up and saw the big truck coming at us. He swerved, missed the truck but he swerved the car off the road. The car tumbled down the side of the road. And that's the last thing I remember.

Piper's POV

We are in the basement. Henry is with us now. We haven't heard from Leo, Wyatt, or Chris yet.

Piper: where are they!? Can't they just orb!

Phoebe: piper calm down, ok, I know your worried but they'll be here.

Radio: the storm seems to be picking up speed and strength, moving west towards the Pacific. This is definitely not going to end soon. We have also just gotten reports of tornados in the area and damaging hail. Many accidents have been reported as well. Firefighters and police officers are trying to help whoever they can.

Piper: what if they got in an accident!

Phoebe: Piper, Leo is a white lighter and can't die and he will heal Wyatt and Chris.

Piper: but what if Wyatt and Chris already died.

Melinda: then they'll be in the future and just come back here. See that's the thing about time travel. If your from the future, you can't actually die in the past.

Paige: see Piper, just breathe in and out. Think positive.

Piper: I can't. All I can think of is the negative.

I held Wyatt and Chris in my arms. Hoping their older selves and Leo were alright.

Leo's POV

I woke up after being knocked out. I looked at the clock. I was only out for 10 minutes. It was still storming hard outside. I looked around. Wyatt was next to me, I healed him. Chris was in the back and I healed him as well. Once they were both awake we started looking for a way out.

Wyatt: we are kind of pinned. And my leg is killing me under the weight of the car.

Leo: only a little bit longer hopefully they- wait...orb.

Chris: yeah can't we just orb out.

Wyatt: hopefully the storm doesn't affect our orbing.

Chris: I guess we'll find out.

We all orbed out of the pinned car.

Melinda's POV

We are sitting in the basement listening to the radio when we saw blue and white lights.

Melinda: mom it's them.

Leo, Chris, and Wyatt appeared in the basement. We ran to them and hugged them.

Piper: I'm glad your ok.

Chris: well we wouldn't have been if dad wasn't a white lighter. We got into an accident and we were knocked out for 10 minutes or so but we are here now.

Melinda: I'm glad your ok but now we can get Prudence back to the future to save the town from this mess.

Leo: uh, we forgot the ingredients in the car.

Chris: should we go get them.

Wyatt: well if we want the storm to die down, I guess we'll have to. Who's going?

Leo: I'll go. I'm the one that can't die.

He orbed to get the ingredients.

Piper: I hope this doesn't leave to big of mess.

Chris: me too, we don't need to be going back to a messed up world.

Leo returned with the ingredients.

Prudence: ok let's get this show on the road before San Fransisco is San Fransisno more. (laughs)

Everyone gave her looks.

Prudence: fine I get it, I'm not funny. Let's just hurry.

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