44. Wyatt's problem

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Chris's POV

We all followed Wyatt to the living room. He sat down.

Wyatt: (tears up a bit) fine, if you don't really know. I'll tell you.

Chris: thank you.

We all looked at him, waiting for him to start talking.

Chris: well? Are you going to talk?

Piper: Chris, give him a little bit.

Paige: yeah, this looks like it's hard for him.

Wyatt: it is.

I rolled my eyes.

Chris: fine

Wyatt: umm...was I...what I want to know is...

What is he trying to say.

Chris: umm...Wyatt, if this is hard for you we can come back later.

I start to get up and leave but Wyatt blurts out something I'd never thought I'd hear him say.

Wyatt: was I ever evil!?

I stopped getting up. I instantly froze. I looked around the room. Everyone looked frozen too. No one was moving or talking.

Wyatt: please guys. I want to know.

Chris: umm, Wyatt, why would you think that?

I sat back down, calming down a little bit.

Wyatt: I've been having these dreams, or visions of some sort, and they all seem so real, like it happened to me some how.

Piper: what do you see in these dreams?

Wyatt: I see me in he manor with like an army of demons. I don't look like myself though, I have longer hair, and I was wearing dark clothing.

I gulped. I knew exactly what he was talking about. That was the old Wyatt, the Wyatt I prevented. Why was he having these visions? It supposedly never happened. I changed the future.

Chris: Wyatt are you sure they are not just dreams.

Wyatt: no, they are too real. Please Chris, I know you know what's going on. You know, don't you?

Everyone looked at me. I sat there, the room was silent, they were waiting for me to answer. But then Phoebe spoke up. Thank goodness.

Phoebe: Wyatt, this is a lot for all of us to take in.

Wyatt: why? Unless you all know something? What's going on!?

Piper: Wyatt, did anything else happen in your dream?

Wyatt: uh

He closed his eyes and then opened them.

Wyatt: yeah, Chris was there.

Great, more evidence that I know something.

Wyatt: I hurt you?

Everyone looked at me surprised. No one here knew that. I never told them.

Wyatt: Chris? Why did I hurt you?

Chris: I don't know what you are talking about.

I couldn't look at him. Instead I was looking at the wall behind him.

Wyatt: yes you do. I had you in the air, I was choking you. But you fought back.

Phoebe: (whispers) is that when he went back to the future and we had to send him his powers?

Paige: (whispers) I think so

Wyatt: I can hear you.

Paige: oops

Wyatt: so it's true, all of it.

Chris: ok fine, yes it's true. You were once evil. I had to prevent that from happening. You tortured me and everyone else. You were a threat and I had to stop you so I came back to the past, 2004 to be exact, and I found the person who was after you.

Wyatt: why would someone do that to me, turn me evil.

Leo: the person who wanted you evil thought you were too powerful, he saw you as a threat when you were good.

Wyatt: was it a demon?

Piper: actually it was an Elder.

Wyatt: seriously?

Leo: yeah, but I took care of it.

Piper: is that what has been bothering you these past two months?

Wyatt: yeah, the visions started like a month and a half ago. And they came every night and it was just bothering me so much, it was like a bad dream. I was hurting Chris over and over again and I didn't like that, at all.

Chris: well, it's over now. I think since you talked about and got some answers they will stop.

Wyatt: hopefully.

Phoebe: I want to know how he had those visions. Chris changed the future meaning those things never happened.

Leo: sometimes people have visions of other lives they lived and since Wyatt did technically live that life, he might remember parts of it.

Wyatt: but why did I have to remember the bad parts?

Chris: (smiles) Wyatt, everything in your past life was a bad part.

Everyone laughs.

Wyatt: (smiles) thanks for talking to me guys.

Paige: (smiles) no problem.

Everyone leaves except for Wyatt and me.

Wyatt: Chris, I'm sorry I hurt you.

Chris: that's ok, it wasn't you. Well, it wasn't this you.

Wyatt: I know, but that part of my vision or dream or whatever it is, was the worse part.

Chris: thanks, I know that you care about me and you'd never do that in your right mind.

Wyatt: I wouldn't. And I'm sorry for the way I've acted towards you these past two months as well.

Chris: again, it's ok. You were going through some stuff, I get it.

Wyatt stood up and gestured for me to hug him. I stood up and hugged him and then we separated.

Wyatt: by the way, when I was evil, did you ever want to kill me?

Chris: uhh, that's a story for a different day.

Wyatt: (smiles)

I put my arm around his shoulder and we walked out of the living room.

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