4. A little fight

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Prue's POV

Ok so being back feels like a dream. I haven't been here for 5 1/2 years. It's so surreal. I'm hoping to talk and catch up with Phoebe, Piper and Leo since I haven't seen them in sooooo long. And it would be kinda nice to get to know Chris since he is my future nephew and all. And Cole, well, I don't know if I want to talk to him. And Paige, well, she seems nice and all but I don't know if I want to really get to know her since she did take my spot as a Charmed One.

Prue: alright everyone, who's cooking dinner

Paige: oh I can fix that, (beings to say a spell) we call upon the ancient power, to feed us in this hungry hour

Piper: that's not a spell

(The table fills with food)

Paige: it worked didn't it.

Ok so she doesn't care about personal gain and she just makes spells out of thin air. Ok, not to be mean but she needs to go.

Phoebe: well thanks Paige. Dig in everyone!

(Everyone grabs a plate and starts eating)

Piper: so Chris, why did you exactly come back?

Chris: what, a white lighter-witch can't visit his family?

Leo: sure but you came from the future

Chris: alright, I came because of Melinda.

Phoebe: who's Melinda?

Chris: you'll find out (smirks)

Leo: alright then, well let's just enjoy our meal.

Chris's POV

I don't know why they always have to know everything I'm doing. I came because Melinda wanted to know more about the day she was born or something like that. Melinda is Wyatt's and my sister. She should be born in a year since it's August 2006 now and she was born in May 2007. So about a year. But it's so weird still doing double zeros. The year I came from is 2028. Nothing much different. We have some flying cars but that's about it. My fiancée is still alive. She died because of Wyatt but since I saved the future she is alive. I must of really been concentrating because everyone was done eating and mom was yelling my name.

Piper: Chris! Chris! Hey! Earth to Chris!

Chris: huh, oh yeah, sorry mom.

Leo: are you ok?

Chris: yeah, I'm fine.

Piper: ok well whenever you want to tell us why you really came back I'm listening.

Chris: ok you'll find out in a month or so, hopefully.

Piper: ok

(Piper and Leo were clearing the dishes while Phoebe and Paige got ice cream for everyone)

Cole: so what's really on your mind? (Looking toward Chris)

Chris: oh please, like I would tell you!

Cole: I'm not scared of you!

Chris: you don't have to be scared of me!

Cole: oh yeah, take this (throws a fireball at Chris)

Chris: (telekinetically throws the fire ball back at him) ha I have powers too you know!

Prue: whoa! He has my power

Chris: I also have the power to orb and call for things, like Paige

Paige: really you never could do that before?

Chris: I never had the chance.

Cole: (throws another fireball)

Chris: fireball (orbs the fireball to the opposite end of the room) (looks at Cole) oh it's on (telekinetically throws him across the room) (telekinetically throws the clock down on him)

Cole: (shimmers away)

Chris: where did he go?

Cole: (appears behind him) right here (throws a fireball)

Chris: (orbs away)

Phoebe's POV

Ok this is getting way out of hand. The fireball missed Chris because he orbed and hit the wall.

Paige: ok that's enough

(Piper and Leo run from the kitchen)

Piper:What is going on? We heard bangs and crashes and yelling!!!!!

Leo: what happened to the clock??

Piper: the clock again?? (She asked annoyed)

Prue: well your son threw Cole across the room with my power!!

Piper: oh yeah he got that power. So did Wyatt but his powers are stronger.

Prue: wow

Leo: where is Chris??

Chris: (orbs in) right here

Cole: well played Chris.

Chris: whatever

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