7. Melinda

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Chris's POV

I walked up to the attic. I looked around, no one was there. Great! Where could they be? Just then I heard a noise I looked over to the wall and I saw a portal forming. Who walked out shocked me.

Chris: Melinda! What are you doing here? I was suppose to take care of it!

Melinda: I know Chris, but Wyatt told me that if I want to find out something about my birthday then I should do it myself.

Chris: you know, you listen to much to Wyatt.

Melinda: well he is the oldest.

Just then I heard someone yelling my name from downstairs

Piper: Chris! Paige said you wanted me. Are you up there!?

Chris: (looks at Melinda) you need to hide!

Melinda: why, they don't know who I am. Or do they?

Chris: I just told them I came back because of someone named Melinda. Only Paige knows your my sister.

Melinda: oh wow Chris I knew you couldn't keep a secret.

Chris: hey! You sent me back here.

(Piper walks in the attic)

Melinda: well-

Piper: hey! Stop arguing.

Chris and Melinda: Yes mom

Chris: (looks at Melinda worried)

Melinda: (looks at Chris worried)

Piper: what! Why did you just call me mom? Chris who is this?

Chris: umm (looks at Melinda)

Melinda: I'm his friend, from the future. Melinda.

Chris: right and in the future we are so close so she calls you mom (looks at Melinda weirdly)

Piper: ok then. What did you want to talk to me about?

Chris: oh it can wait. I actually wanted to talk to you and dad at the same time, so.

Piper: ok, well, I guess I'll leave you two to talk. (Leaves the attic)

Chris: (sighs) that was close. Why did you call her mom?

Melinda: because she is and I forgot I was in the past for a second.

Chris: ok if anyone else asks who you are, remember you are my friend from the future. Only Paige knows you are my sister and she isn't around much cause she lives with uncle Henry.

Melinda: ok, got it.

Piper's POV

That was strange. Who was that girl. I know Chris said she is his friend but they seemed nervous like they were hiding something. I guess I will get it out of him later.

Leo: (orbs down)

Piper: Leo, Chris wanted to talk to us.

Leo: ok should we go talk.

Piper: actually we can't now. A friend from the future just came and Chris and this Melinda girl are catching up.

Leo: I thought he had a fiancée?

Piper: maybe they broke up.

(Chris and Melinda come down the stairs)

Piper: Leo this is Melinda.

Leo: nice to meet you

Melinda: (hugs him) hi dad

Chris: (coughs) Melinda!

Melinda: (laughs nervously) I mean hi Leo.

Piper: apparently she is so close with us in the future she just calls us mom and dad.

Leo: ok but Chris I thought you had a fiancée?

Chris: I do.

Piper: then why are you dating Melinda?

Chris and Melinda: What!

Leo: you guys seem so close, you are dating aren't you?

Chris and Melinda: eww!

Piper: I think that just answered our question

Melinda: why would you say eww. You would be lucky to get a girl like me!

Chris: how about you. I'm awesome!

Melinda: see that's why, you think to high of yourself!

Chris: ok why are we fighting over this! This isn't going to happen your my si- (stops himself)

Piper and Leo: (looks at him weirdly)

Melinda: (gives him a shut up look)

Chris: I mean SIBLING'S friend. So I wouldn't do that to Wyatt.

Melinda: right, sorry.

Chris: (sighs)

Piper: ok, Leo can I talk to you in the kitchen. Now!

(Piper and Leo walk into the kitchen)

Something is going on with them. I'm going to find out what.

Leo: that was weird.

Piper: that was exactly the way they were acting before. We need to get to the bottom of this.

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