2. What are you doing here?

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Phoebe's POV

????: need any help????

Everyone: (gasps)

Phoebe: Cole!!!! what are you doing here???? (I can't believe it, cole is back. Now of all times, I have a boyfriend I hope he knows)

Cole: i came to help. (Sure he did)

Piper: oh no! I told you when you came back earlier to not come back!!!!

Cole: oh I know, but you see piper, I was listening to what you guys were talking about, I hear there's this demon you are after and you can't seem to find it in the book so I'm here to help you find him

Chris: this is cole, the demon you guys so called vanquished! Then why is he here!?

Cole: who's this new guy

Piper: he's mine and Leo's son

Cole: I know I've been gone long but not that long

Chris: no. I came from the future to stop evil from getting to Wyatt, then I did and then I died here and now I'm back

Cole: ok then but back to the demon I think I may know who he is

Piper: who????

Cole: well actually, it's not a demon at all. It's a ghost

Leo: a ghost, that's impossible, piper could you see through it?

Piper: no, so it's not a ghost

Cole: actually not all ghosts are see through. You have conjured you're grandmother and mom plenty of times and when they stepped out of the circle they weren't see through were they??

Piper: well no but I didn't conjure it. Did any one here conjure it??

Everyone: (looks at each other) no

Piper: so who would have conjured a ghost to attack us

Cole: actually the ghost might have conjured it's self.

Phoebe: how is that possible (I'm mad at myself for talking to him but I need to know)

Cole: that's how people are haunted, the ghost conjure themselves to the people they want to "hurt" or in this case possibly kill.

Paige: I thought hauntings were just ghost that haven't passed on?

Cole: well they can be but most are self conjured.

Chris: that does explain a lot, like why it's not in the book and why you couldn't blow it up.

Piper: ok, everyone we need to find this ghost ask it why it tried to kill me then send it's butt to the afterlife before anyone else gets hurt, got it!

Everyone: yep

Phoebe: (when Piper wants to do something she does it and she doesn't stop till it's done) but how are you going to find the ghost when you don't know who it is??

Piper: we are going to use the ghost conjuring spell and hope it works

Paige: alright then let's go try that spell

(The three sisters go to the book and say the spell out loud)

Piper, Phoebe and Paige: Unknown spirit, we to thee. Those who wish to set you free, cross on over so we may help. Come to us. Reveal yourself.

(There is a lot of wind and a whistling noise, then right in front of them is ????)

????: You finally called.

Piper: (shocked)

Phoebe: (holy crap, how could this be) what, but how????

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