67. 2008

265 11 4

A/N Forever Charmed is 2 years old, as of today, July 13, 2017!

-Future 2008-

Wyatt's POV

Chris, Melinda, and I stepped out of the portal and into 2008. The living room in the manor looked the same, although there were more toys on the floor.

Chris: we were messy kids.

Just then two boys ran by us. Little Wyatt and Chris.

Little Chris: give that back!

Little Wyatt: no. You stole it from me.

They ran into the next room.

Chris: I did not steal that.

Wyatt: yes you did.

Melinda: whatever guys. We walked into the dining room. Little Melinda was in a playpen on the floor.

Melinda: oh there I am. Hi Melinda.

Little Melinda smiled at us. We continued to walk into the kitchen. Mom was in there.

Wyatt: hey mom.

Piper: oh. Hey guys. When I told you to come back I didn't mean a year later.

Melinda: no actually remember we told you we are here to talk to Paige about, uh ...

Chris: is he born yet?

Piper: Henry Jr.? Yeah. Paige and Henry just got the adoption finalized yesterday.

Wyatt: good we came to the right time.

Piper: why does Paige need to know about Henry Jr.?

Chris: well, in the future he seems to be a little distant from us because he's the only one without magic and he feels a little left out.

Melinda: we were hoping to tell Paige and Henry when he was young so they can teach him a life without magic is a good thing.

Wyatt: since Henry is a mortal, we figured he'd be the best person to talk to Henry Jr. when he gets older.

Piper: oh okay. Paige is at her house and Henry is at work.

Melinda: okay. We can talk to Paige first then.

Chris: let's do that.

Little Wyatt and Chris ran into the kitchen.

Little Chris: mommy! Wyatt took my toy!

Little Wyatt: I did not! Chris stole it from me first.

Piper: Wyatt, can you please let your brother play with the toy for a little bit.

Little Wyatt: (sighs) okay.

Piper: thank you.

Little Wyatt and Chris left the room.

Wyatt: Chris always got his way.

Chris: did not!

Wyatt: yes you did.

Chris: mom, Wyatt is accusing me of always getting my way.

Melinda: oh - my - gosh! You two are annoying. Let's just go talk to Paige.

Chris: yeah, Wyatt.

Wyatt: shut up Chris.

Piper: see you guys.

Melinda: bye.

We walked out of the kitchen and walked to the door.

Wyatt: let's orb.

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