3. The Power of Four?

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Piper's POV

????: You finally called.

Piper: (shocked)

Phoebe: what, but how????

Leo: Prue????

Prue: yes, Leo, it's me.

Piper: (I was in complete shock, there's no way Prue is standing in front of me. I mean she is but how????) Prue???? But how??

Paige: hi, I'm paige, your Half-sister

Prue: I know. Word travels up there. Cole nice to see you again (sarcasm)

Piper: (I don't know how this could happen. Was Prue the one that attacked me this morning. She wouldn't attack her own sister would she??)

Cole: oh Prue you were always so sarcastic.

Prue: (looks over at Chris confused) alright I don't know who you are but I like what I see.

Chris: (grossed out) ok 1. You're dead and 2. Eww, I'm you're nephew from the future. Piper and Leo's son.

Prue: aww Piper you did have kids.

Piper: (I was still in shock but I'd better answer her statement, yeah sure statement) yeah. Two actually Wyatt is 3 1/2 and Chris is 2 1/2. Well little Chris. This Chris is 24 years old.

Prue: I guess you do miss some things while you're up there. (Looks at Leo) how's it going Leo?

Leo: fine, I guess. I'm a whitleighter again after being one for some 50 years then being an elder and then a mortal.

Prue: why were u an elder and a mortal?

Chris: actually the elder thing is my fault. See I had to convince him to be an elder so I could be their white lighter which was also a lie because I'm half white lighter, half witch so I couldn't heal, but dad was always there to heal anyways.

Leo: and the I chose to be a mortal because I never got to see Piper.

Cole: I actually helped Piper get to Leo again.

Piper: (I gave him a look because all he did was do a little persuading)

Cole: ok, fine, I kind of persuaded her a little.

Prue: wow. Phoebe, how are you?

Phoebe: good, I guess, (she laughed a little) I have a boyfriend who's a Cupid (shot cole a mean look) but then cole just came back and I can't handle all the stress from him.

Prue: so you're not ok?

Phoebe: no, really I'm fine.

Prue: ok well, I think I'm caught up enough. What do you say we go fight some demons.

Piper: wait! (Is she the "demon" we were after or not?) did u attack me this morning?

Prue: well yes and no. You see that was suppose to be a visit but it kind of went wrong. I was also cloaked so you couldn't tell it was me.

Piper: I'd say. I'm glad you're back. (Phoebe and I both ran to her and gave her a big hug)

Prue: me too

Paige's POV

Paige: (I'm glad they got their sister back, but are they going to make her a Charmed One instead of me. I mean she was one first. I hope Prue and I can get along but I don't want to lose my place as a Charmed One. Heck, I was a Charmed One for 5 1/2 years and she was only a Charmed One for 3 years.) ok, so since everyone is caught up I think it's time to celebrate Chris and Prue's return.

Cole: and me

Paige: not really

Cole: whatever, I'm joining though.

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