12. The truth comes out

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Piper's POV

Chris: here it goes. Umm. Melinda is...our...sister.

I did just hear what I thought I heard. Sister! I looked at Leo and Phoebe. They both looked as shocked as I did. Sister!

Chris:'please say something.

Wyatt: we wouldn't of told you if you were going to be this shocked.

Melinda: can I call you mom and dad now. (Smiles)

We were in shock.

Piper: umm. Sure I guess.

Melinda: yay!

Phoebe: so Piper is going to have another kid!

Chris: yes. But because of us telling you hopefully she is actually born. Who knows what will happen now.

Leo: this is a lot to take in.

Wyatt: hey you wanted to know.

Melinda: yeah but now everything can go back to normal and you won't have to try and chase us around.

Leo: you just got here this morning.

Melinda: well, not the the point. The point is now you know everything.

Chris: well, not everything.

Wyatt: what didn't you tell them?

Chris: I didn't tell them what we become.

Melinda: why not?

Chris: because that could change the future by telling them that we are you know what by making them give it to us earlier when we are not ready for it yet.

Phoebe: what are you talking about.

Chris: umm.

Wyatt's POV

Ok he better tell them or I will. Seriously I can see the suspense is killing them. Then I heard Paige and someone else's voices.

Paige and Prue: (walk into the kitchen)

Paige: I had such a good time with you. (Looks at Wyatt) Wyatt! (Hugs him) and you must be Melinda. (Hugs her)

Piper: you know her?

Paige: yeah Chris didn't tell you she's their sister.

Leo: well yeah but 5 minutes ago. What! You knew!

Paige: yeah he told me before I left to go home because I was upset with Prue, which I'm not anymore.

Prue: wait who are these guys again.

Paige: these are all Piper's and Leo's kids.

Prue: wow. 3 kids. That is it, right?

Melinda: yes thats it.nits just us three.

Piper: ok wow. So you are the daughter I saw in the future.

Melinda: ok, sure.

Phoebe: hold on you said there was something else, what is it?

Chris: should we tell them.

Melinda: (looks at Wyatt)

Wyatt: go ahead.

Chris: ok, in the future, the year 2028, Wyatt, Mel and I are....the Charmed Ones.

Everyone else: (shocked)

Wyatt: we are the Power of Three.

Melinda: that's why Chris wanted us back so fast, demons are making there move since we are all gone.

Wyatt: actually Prudence and Henry are handling them. I told them to.

Paige: Who and who now?

Chris: to much information.

Wyatt: sorry.

Paige: Henry. Is he my kid?

Melinda: umm, yeah. And Prue is Phoebe's.

Phoebe: wow.

Piper: ok maybe you guys should stop telling facts about the future.

Chris: right.

Melinda: anyway. It's good you guys know now.

Piper: yeah. It is. (Smiles)

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