43. Stop this!

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Phoebe's POV

3 weeks later

Piper told me about Wyatt 3 weeks ago. I just don't know why he would ever be depressed. He's so cheerful all the time. Wyatt just walked by me.

Phoebe: hey Wyatt, how are you today?

Wyatt: fine

He continued walking. Then Chris walked by. He must have been following him.

Phoebe: hey Chris, how's Wyatt? I just asked him but all he said was fine.

Chris: I don't know. I keep asking him why he's depressed but he just gets upset and yells at me. He has yelled at me before but this is different.

Phoebe: I think it's time we all sit down as a family and talk about this.

Chris: good idea. But there is one problem to that plan.

Phoebe: what?

Chris: how are we going to get Wyatt to sit down and talk to us?

Phoebe: I know just the person to talk to him about that.

Chris: who?

Phoebe: Henry.

Chris: oh, good idea. They are really close in the future. He'll listen to him.

Phoebe: I'll call him.

I pick up the phone to call Henry. Once he answers I tell him what he has to do.

Piper's POV

Phoebe got Henry to come over to talk to Wyatt. They are in the living room right now while the rest of us are in the kitchen making dinner. Well I'm making dinner everyone else is listening at the door.

Piper: guys! Let them be.

Chris, Phoebe, Paige and Leo step away from the door.

Chris: how do you think it's going?

Paige: I don't know but if they are as close in the future as you say they are hopefully Henry will get it out of him.

Henry came into the kitchen.

Leo: how's it going?

Henry: uh, not good. He doesn't want to say anything. All he says is that there is some secret you guys haven't told him.

Everyone looks at Chris.

Chris: what?

Paige: what haven't you told him?

Chris: how do you know it was me? What about mom or dad. They probably kept some secrets too.

Henry: he didn't say who has the secret but I think he's confused and wants some answers.

Paige: how do you know that?

Henry: because he said "I'm confused and I want some answers".

Chris: who could be keeping a secret from him.

Leo: wait, he said you guys, right? As in all of us.

Henry: well he actually said them but I figured it was all of you.

Chris: what secret are we keeping from him? I tell him everything.

Piper: well, dinner's ready so help me get everything set. We'll talk about it later.

I go to set the table with everybody.

Chris's POV

We are all sitting down at the table eating. It was silent in the room. Well it was until Phoebe broke the silence.

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