57. Snow!?

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Melinda's POV

I walked into the hallway and then into Mom's room. I saw Wyatt and Chris talking.

Melinda: what is this about a snow storm?

Chris: Melinda? Have you been listening?

Melinda: duh.

Wyatt: yes there's a snow storm coming and we don't know why.

Melinda: well is it supernatural?

Chris: we don't know but we think yes.

Melinda: how did you find out?

Wyatt: dad told us and it's in the news.

TV: the strongest part of the storm is expected to hit San Fransisco around 10 o'clock tonight. It's a record breaking storm, with as much as 10 inches possible.

Melinda: what that heck!? That's uncommon. Well for San Fransisco anyway.

Chris: that's not just uncommon, it's rare.

Wyatt: 10 inches? Okay, we need to stop this storm.

Melinda: well if it does arrive at 10 o'clock that gives us four hours.

Mom walked into the room.

Piper: uh, is my room like the new hang out spot now or what?

Chris: mom there's a snow storm coming for San Fransisco.

Piper: what?

Wyatt: with about 10 inches of snow.

Piper: what!?

Melinda: it will arrive at 10 o'clock.

Piper: well we have to stop it. It's obviously being caused by a supernatural force. Don't you guys know about it. You're from the future.

Wyatt: I've never heard of a snow storm that caused 10 inches of snow in San Fransisco.

Chris: which means it was stopped before it hit, right?

Piper: not necessarily. Maybe you just never heard of it. But believe me, my future self probably knows about it.

Chris: well, we aren't going back until we stop this storm.

Dad orbed into the room.

Leo: good Piper, you're here. Did they fill you in?

Piper: yep.

Melinda: anything from the elders?

Leo: they don't know what's going on but they say it's not a weather pattern shift.

Wyatt: okay, we need to find the demon behind this.

Chris: how do we know it's a demon?

Leo: what else would it be?

Chris: I don't know but it's like when Prudence was here, the balance shifted. I think it's something like that.

Piper: well can you think of anything that could be possible?

We all thought and came up with nothing.

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