23. Sibling bond

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Chris's POV

We are walking down a tunnel. I think it's leading us to the demon but Wyatt know more about it than I do. All of a sudden Wyatt stopped and turned around to face us.

Chris: Wyatt? What's wrong?

Wyatt: nothing. That's the problem.

Melinda: what?

Wyatt: even though demons are good now, wouldn't you think we would be hearing something.

Chris: you mean that waterfall. (I pointed to a big waterfall at the end of the tunnel)

Wyatt: no, I mean demons arguing or discussing something, I don't know.

Melinda: hmm, maybe, or maybe things changed because they changed?

Wyatt: maybe. Let's walk a little further.

He started walking down the tunnel. Melinda and I followed behind him.

Wyatt: alright guys, we seemed to be in a really open room. With a waterfall.

Melinda: wow. I wish the underworld always looked like this.

Chris: yeah but then our world would always be dark and dangerous.

Wyatt: ok, I'm going to go into the next tunnel a little ways. You two stay here in case someone comes. I'll be back in a minute.

He took off down the next tunnel and left Melinda and me here.

Chris: so, why were you so annoyed back there.

Melinda: do you really want to know why?!

Chris: uh, yeah, that's why I asked.

Melinda: you are supposed to be my big brother!

Chris: (confused) I am you big brother!

Melinda: no your not!

Chris: just tell me what you mean! I am your brother!


Chris: STOP YELLING AT ME! Just tell me what is going on!

Melinda: with you always in the past you're never here!

Chris: that's how it works, yeah!

Melinda: (sighs) I mean, you are never here when I need you. Growing up, you and me were always so close. Since Wyatt was the oldest he never really wanted to hang out with me. But you always did. And now with you gone, I feel like we aren't close anymore. You know?

Chris: (smiles) Mel, I always be here for you. Even if I am in the future. All you have to do is just come through the portal and ask me to come home. I can do that.

Melinda: but I don't always have time to come through the portal.

Chris: well, I know this is my home but I feel like I should be in the past. I don't know why, but I just do.

Melinda: well, maybe I should come to the past with you.

Chris: Mel, you can't just stop life here and come to the past. Is this really about spending time with me, or something else.

Melinda: no, it's about spending time with you. Chris, you've been gone for a year before, now what, another year. I can't spend that much time away from you.

Chris: wait you know about me being gone for a year before.

Melinda: yeah like two years ago. You said you were going to the past. What's in the past?

Chris: nothing, I just want to help them.

Melinda: Chris.

Chris: (laughs a bit) it almost seems like your my girlfriend not my sister.

Melinda: eww, how?

Chris: because you want to come with me.

Melinda: I just miss my brother being around.

Chris: (smiles) I'll always be around for you.

Melinda: (smiles)

Mushy mushy I know. But it was nice that Melinda misses me and wants to spend time with me. We hugged.

Wyatt's POV

I didn't find anything at the end of that tunnel but when I cam out of the tunnel I found something strange. Chris and Melinda were hugging. And now they are laughing. They used to get along great as kids but then they kind of grew apart. I hardly see them hug anymore. Except that one time back at the manor in 2006.

Wyatt: uh, guys? What's are you doing?

Chris: I'm being her older brother. (Smiles)

Melinda: yeah, thanks Chris. (Smiles)

Wyatt: (confused) I don't even want to know.

Chris: (chuckles)

Wyatt: (clears throat) umm, there nothing in the tunnel. (Points towards it) I went to the end.

Melinda: well, where is that demon?

Wyatt: I don't know. But we have to find it so it can change the world back to the way it was.

Chris: let's go, we aren't going to find him standing around here.

Melinda: Chris is right. Let's go.

Strange, very strange. Oh well, at least they aren't fighting.

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