11. Hiding the truth

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Chris, Wyatt and Melinda: (orbs into the house) (walks into the kitchen)

Piper's POV

Whoa. Is that Wyatt? Why did he come back. Ok things are getting weird.

Piper: Wyatt. What are you doing here.

Wyatt: oh just checking on my siblings.

Chris and Melinda: Wyatt!

Wyatt: I mean sibling and friend. (Nervously laughs)

Chris: yeah (nervously laughs)

Melinda: yep.

Piper: ok. Hey everyone, Wyatt is back!

Leo and Phoebe: (run into the kitchen)

Leo: Wyatt, hi. (They hug)

Phoebe: how's it going (they hug)

Wyatt: good. I actually came to get Melinda but she wants to stay so I decided I would hang around longer.

Chris: yeah but I really think you two should be going.

Piper: Chris Wyatt just got here let him visit awhile.

Wyatt: thanks mom.

Chris: (sighs) whatever.

Melinda: ok I would like to talk to my brot-

Chris and Wyatt: (look at her)

Melinda: I mean brother's friends for a sec, please!

(They leave and go into another room)

Leo: they keep getting weirder and weirder.

Phoebe: I know. The are definitely hiding something.

Piper: yep.

Wyatt's POV

Wow. Melinda almost blew the cover. We need to be more careful.

Wyatt: Mel, you almost told them we were your brothers.

Melinda: sorry. I couldn't help it. I call you guys that all the time it's hard to stop.

Chris: but we need to keep hiding this from them. It will help not change the future so much.

Melinda: seriously, I say we stop hiding the truth and tell them I'm their daughter.

Wyatt: I don't know who to go with. You guys are both right.

Chris: I say we flip a coin.

Wyatt: we can't flip a coin. This isn't some small thing that can be decided. We are talking about changing the future, which could have consequences.

Chris: I know, I've changed it before.

Wyatt: (confused) what?

Chris: never mind, the point is, we need to be careful what we do.

Melinda: ok ok. Should we go back in there? They are probably wondering what we are doing.

Wyatt: good idea.

We walked into the kitchen to find mom, dad and Phoebe starring at us.

Chris: yeah?

Wyatt: why are you starring at us?

Leo: we heard your conversation.

Chris: you did. (Nervous)

Leo: yes. We know your hiding something.

Melinda: thank goodness.

Piper: what?

Wyatt: never mind.

Phoebe: would you like to tell us what it is.

Melinda: umm

Chris: no we can't. It will change the future.

Wyatt: come on Chris, the future has already changed by Mel coming back here.

Chris: fine. Go ahead Melinda.

Melinda: no!

Wyatt and Chris: what!

Melinda: I can't tell them. Chris your right. It will change the future. And I don't want to be born into a world that was changed because of me. If that makes sense.

Chris: (smiles) you finally listened to me.

Melinda: yeah. You were always the wise one. (Smiles)

(They hug)

Wyatt: aww. This is a historic moment. Chris and Melinda are getting along. (Pulls out his iPhone and takes a picture)

Chris: (pulls away from the hug) Wyatt. Those iPhones aren't invented yet.

Wyatt: oops. Sorry.

Piper: different technology in the future. That's ok, we are close to getting there. We have iPods now so I guess iPhones aren't far behind huh. (Smiles)

Leo: wait your saying Chris and Melinda never got along?

Wyatt: I mean they love each other but you know friends fight.

Chris: yeah, you know I love you Mel.

Melinda: I know. I love you too Chris.

Wyatt: I love you both too.

Chris and Melinda: (look at him)

Wyatt: sorry, I felt left out.

Phoebe: will you please tell us what's going on here.

Chris: I thinks it's ok. We can tell them.

Melinda: you sure?

Chris: yeah. (Looks at Piper and Leo) here it goes.

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