19. Forgiven

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Prue's POV

I felt so bad because I yelled at Chris so much for no reason. I really thought that he stole my powers when he was born. I mean not literary steal my powers but got them. Like they came out of me and went into him.mI know it's stupid. I don't know why I thought that. I just need to think of an apology to Chris. Then Piper came into the room.

Piper: what are you doing?

Prue: trying to think of a way to apologize to Chris.

Piper: this isn't a proposal, your just apologizing.

Prue: I know, I just want it to be good because I've yelled at him so much.

Piper: I'm sure he'll forgive you.

Prue: I don't know. He seemed kind of scared of me.

Piper: you are kind of intimidating. (Smiles)

Prue: (smiles) yeah, well, I just want it to be good.

Piper: good luck. (She leaves the room)

Prue: hmm. How about....Chris, I know I have been yelling at you for these past couple of days, and I just want to say that I am truly, and deeply, sorry. Umm....nah. I sound to nice. Is that a bad thing? I don't know. (I was talking to myself) wow, I'm talking to myself.

Chris: (orbs down into the living room) oh, Prue, umm, have you see my mom?

Prue: yeah she's in the kitchen.

Chris: thanks (about to leave but I stopped him)

Prue: wait, Chris. Can I say something to you?

Chris: depends. Is it anything to do with yelling at me or blaming me for something?

Prue: no.

Chris: ok then, continue.

Prue: ok, umm....I'm really sorry that I have been yelling and you and blaming you for things these past few days. I know it wasn't your fault.

Chris: (smiles) really?

Prue: yeah, I guess I thought you "stole" my power from me, you know, when I died and I thought the power went into you. It was stupid to think that and I'm sorry. I was just missing having powers and I took it out on you because I don't know you all that well and I guess I just missed being a witch. Can you forgive me?

Chris: sure. I can't stay mad at someone forever. Besides, forgive and forget, right?

Prue: yeah, (smiles) thanks.

Chris: no problem.

Prue: come here (I motioned for him to come and give me a hug) (we hugged then pulled away from the hug) Piper is in the kitchen. You said you wanted to talk to her.

Chris: oh yeah, thanks. (He left to go into the kitchen)

Paige's POV

I'm at my apartment, alone. Henry is at work. I never realized how boring it gets around here. Maybe I should call someone to come over, or watch tv. Or I could just go to the house. Yeah, I'll go to the house. I was just about to leave when I heard this weird noise, kind of like a faint whistling sound, I turned around and there was nothing there. My imagination must be going crazy. I left the apartment.

Paige: pull it together Paige, you didn't hear anything. (Sighs) hopefully. (I left to go to the house)

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