53. Date?

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Piper's POV

Leo is holding Melinda while sitting on a chair and watching TV. It's so cute that I pulled out the camera Leo brought along just to take a picture. I then heard a knock at the door.

Piper: come in

Victor: hi.

Piper: (smiles) dad!

Victor: hi Leo.

Leo: hi.

Piper: would you like to hold Melinda.

Victor: oh I don't if I could hold her. She's about 5' 6".

Leo: oh you met her didn't you?

Victor: yep. Are all your kids coming back from the future?

Piper: (smiles) I guess.

Leo: here you go Victor.

Leo handed Melinda to Victor.

Victor: she's so cute. She looks just like your Piper.

Piper: thanks.

Victor: you know, you raise them pretty well.

Leo: thanks. Did our three kids out there tell you that.

Victor: no but I can just tell by the way they act around others. They are good people.

Piper: thanks. Where are the boys?

Victor: in the waiting room with Paige and Henry.

Leo: I'll go get them.

Leo left the room.

Piper: we told them not to spill anymore secrets.

Victor: yeah I heard about Paige being pregnant. And that they told her she was.

Leo came back into the room holding Chris, and Wyatt was walking beside him.

Piper: hey little guys.

Wyatt: mama!

Wyatt ran to me. Dad picked him up and sat him next to me on the bed.

Wyatt: sister?

Dad handed Melinda to me and I tilted her just a little bit so Wyatt could see.

Wyatt: baby? What's her name.

Leo: her name is Melinda.

Wyatt: Melinda.

Leo put Chris next to me.

Piper: Chris can you say Melinda?

Chris: Melinda.

Piper: very good.

Chris's POV

Paige, Henry, Wyatt, Melinda, and I are just sitting in the waiting room.

Paige: I think it's time for us to take off.

Henry: yeah I agree. If anyone asks where we went just say we went home.

Paige: I'm getting tired. Haven't slept much.

Chris: bye guys.

Melinda: safe trip home.

Paige: thanks. Bye.

Paige and Henry left the waiting room just as grandpa was coming out of mom's room.

Melinda: hey.

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