48. The plan

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Piper's POV

Everyone gathered around me, we were each coming up with ideas for our plan. It needed to be able to catch the demons off guard. We decided to attack them before they attack us.

Phoebe: I say we have Cole tell us where they are and then we put our plan into action.

Paige: yeah but first we need a plan.

Chris: how's this, we have you three distract them while Wyatt, Mel, and I attack.

Piper: All six of us need to attack though.

Melinda: I agree with Chris on the distracting idea but now we need someone who can distract them.

Leo orbed in.

Leo: guys, any idea of how to attack yet.

All six of us looked at Leo and then at each other smiling and nodding our heads.

Leo: what?

Paige: he's perfect.

Leo: thanks Paige.

Phoebe: no, she means for our plan.

Leo: huh?

Piper: you are going to be the distraction.

Leo: excuse me?

Chris: your going to distract the demons while we attack.

Leo: by myself?

Melinda: yeah. you can't die. It's perfect.

Leo: won't they get suspicious though?

Wyatt: we never thought of that.

Piper: they probably would.

Melinda: what if we use more than one person to distract.

Piper: huh?

Melinda: let's get dad, Cole, and Coop to be the distractions.

Chris: good idea. We can use a spell that makes them look like you three so the demons won't get to suspicious.

Wyatt: right, so while they are distracting, we can put a crystal cage around them.

Melinda: and then say the Power of Three chant.

Phoebe: good idea. Sometimes it's like you three have one brain.

Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda all looked at each other, each with a confused expression on their face.

Piper: what?

Chris: nothing.

Paige: I think we should get Cole and Coop here so we can explain to them our plan.

Phoebe: Coop!

Coop appeared.

Phoebe: hey there.

She gave him a kiss.

Piper: how are we suppose to get Cole?

Coop: Cole? The ex?

Phoebe: don't worry about it, we need him, and you, for our plan.

Coop: should I be worried about the plan.

Paige: no

Coop looked at her.

Paige: maybe a little bit.

Cole shimmered in.

Piper: well, that answered my question. There he is.

Cole: hey.

Paige: we need you, Leo, and Coop for our plan.

Cole: what plan?

Leo: they have a plan to defeat the demons that are going to attack them.

Chris: yeah, we decided to attack them before they attack us.

Wyatt: so you need to find them and tell us where they are.

Melinda: then we will use a spell to make you three look like them. (Motions towards Piper, Phoebe, and Paige)

Phoebe: ok you guys have got to stop doing that, it's creepy.

Cole: doing what?

Piper: they do this thing where they continue each other's sentences. They do it all the time.

Cole: huh. Well if we are going to look like them, I call Phoebe.

Coop: excuse me, she's my wife.

Phoebe: Coop it doesn't mean anything, it's just a disguise.

Leo: I'm going to be Paige, since she can orb and I can orb, it makes sense.

Coop: then I guess I'm Piper.

Piper: good that's settled.

Chris: I'll get the spell.

He goes to the book and starts looking for the spell.

Melinda: all you three have to do is think of the person you want to look like while the spell is being said.

Leo: right

Cole: got it

Coop: ok

Chris: I got it. Who wants to say it?

Piper: I'll say it.

I take the paper from Chris and start reading the spell.

Piper: I call upon the Ancient powers, to mask them now and in future hours, hide them well and thoroughly. But not from those they call family.

Once the spell was said white lights surrounded Leo, Cole, and Coop. When the lights disappeared all three of them looked like Phoebe, Paige, and me.

Wyatt: yes!

Melinda: we have our distraction.

Piper: Phoebe can you get the crystals.

Phoebe: yep.

Coop: this is just weird. I see my wife but it's Cole.

Cole: how do I look.

Leo: like Phoebe.

Coop: so we look like you three but we don't have your powers?

Piper: exactly, that's why Leo is Paige because you three still keep your powers so Leo being able to orb like Paige keeps the suspicion level down a little bit.

Phoebe: I have the crystals.

Paige: Cole, do you know where they are.

Cole: yeah, except it's hard to tell you where they are. I'll shimmer and you all follow me but we have to stay out of sight.

Everyone: got it.

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