54. Here today, gone tomorrow

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Phoebe's POV

I am resting on my hospital bed. Coop was called to work, his charge, and Prudence was in the baby nursery. I heard a knock at the door.

Phoebe: come in.

The door open and Melinda walked in with Mark. What?

Phoebe: uh, Mark? What are you doing here?

Mark: oh, sorry to bother you but I needed your latest story for your column so I came by your house and Melinda said I could bring your laptop here.

Melinda: yeah we need your password.

She handed me the laptop, I typed in the password, and I handed it back.

Phoebe: you could have just called me.

Mark: well I was also going to take Melinda out when we left the hospital.

Phoebe: umm, Melinda does Wyatt and Chris know about this?

Melinda: yep

Phoebe: and they're okay with it?

Mark: why wouldn't they be? They're her brothers not her parents.

Phoebe: that's not what I meant. Never mind, you two have fun.

Melinda: thanks.

They left the room.

Phoebe: that's weird.

Chris's POV

Chris: I can't believe this. Our sister is going out with an older man.

Wyatt: hey, he's only like 25.

Chris: I meant from our time. In the future where we come from he is 45.

Wyatt: that's only 20 years difference.

Chris: okay, what about the fact that she is dating a man from the wrong time and it could mess up his future and our's.

Wyatt: there's the Chris I know. Worried about the future.

Chris: do you want to go back to a messed up future?

Wyatt: already lived it once. So did you.

Chris: it's like talking to a wall with you.

Wyatt: thank you.

Chris: ugh.

Just then we saw orbs and dad appeared.

Chris: dad. Shouldn't you be with mom?

Leo: she wanted me to check on you three. Where's your sister?

Chris: if you must know she's-

Wyatt: in the bathroom.

I looked at Wyatt and he just smiled back at me.

Leo: well when she gets out I want to talk to you three.

Wyatt: about what?

Leo: shouldn't we wait for Melinda?

Chris: it might be a while.

Wyatt: she had a big lunch.

Leo: no she didn't, you guys were in the waiting room the whole time.

Wyatt: big snack. Her and Chris went to get a bagel.

I guess I'll play along with whatever Wyatt is planning.

Chris: yeah bagels do not go well with Melinda.

Leo: then why would she take one?

Chris: she, uh-

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