73. The Final Battle Part 4

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Melinda's POV

Mom and Phoebe walked up the stairs as all of us "kids" started thinking of some spells. All of a sudden the front door of the manor flew open. We all gasped.

???: hello, future witches!

Chris: Cole! What are you doing here?

Cole: I have some information I thought would be of use to you.

Chris: what is it?

Cole: get your parents. This affects everyone.

We called up to the attic and soon our parents were standing beside us waiting for Cole to tell us his information.

Piper: Cole, if you're going to tell us, tell us. We don't have all day.

Cole: okay. I assume you know about Naz?

Piper: how do you know about Naz?

Cole: how do you know about Naz?

Phoebe: our future selves made a pact with him that happens on April 22nd. Our future kids came back to warn us and tell us not to make the pact.

Paige: so we won't.

Leo: what do you know about Naz?

Cole: Naz is a very powerful upper level demon.  He was working with Damian, you know, the one you vanquished a couple of years ago.

Wyatt: yeah we remember him.

Cole: anyway, Naz and Damian had a huge plan. So big I can't believe I didn't hear about it until now.

Piper: what's the plan?

Cole looked at all of us slowly.

Cole: ... he wants to resurrect the source.

We looked at him with wide eyes.

Piper: what!?

Phoebe: we can't let that happen!

Paige: why would Naz want to make a pact with us?

Cole: that I don't know. But when I heard that the source's resurrection was being planned I had to tell you right away.

Piper: thank you for telling us.

Phoebe: if you have any more information please let us know.

Cole nodded.

Cole: I was wondering if I could help with this whole ordeal? 

Phoebe: you want to help take down Naz?

Cole: yeah. Resurrecting the source would bring more problems than not. I don't think it's a good idea.

Piper: okay, well, I think the way you could help us is by listening carefully in the underworld. If you hear anything that could be related to Naz and his plan, tell us as soon as possible.

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