31. Reunions Part 2

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Piper's POV

So Dan is here right now trying to get me to believe in the supernatural. He is really convincing. I don't know if I will be able to pretend to not believe anymore. It's getting annoying.

Dan: there are also fairies.

Piper: cool

Dan: you still don't believe me do you?

Piper: sorry but no. Uh Dan can I ask you a question?

Dan: sure.

Piper: what exactly did you come here for?

Dan: oh, well, being a "hunter" of the supernatural I have tracked witches to this area and since you were the only person I knew around here I figured you might know something about the witches.

Piper: yeah, I don't. But thanks for stopping by.

I was about to close the door on him when he stopped it from shutting. Will he just give up.

Dan: can I look around your house?

Piper: why?

Dan: I'm just curious about, you know, your family and how you know so much stuff about the supernatural when you don't believe.

Piper: excuse me! You are not coming in this house without a-

Dan: warrant. Yep got one

He pulled a warrant from his pocket. That makes no sense. Did he know he was going to search our house.

Piper: ok that doesn't make sen-

Dan: shh, I'm picking up do magic being used

Piper: that also doesn't make sen-

Dan: shhh

I followed him up the stairs. He turned and started heading for the attic. He's never been up here how does he know where it is? Maybe this "magic sensor" is actually working. I need to warn whoever is up there to stop using magic. I froze him quickly and ran past him to the attic. I saw my kids all hovering above the ground.

Piper: what is going on!?

Melinda: uh, hi.

Piper: why are you three floating!?

Chris: well you see we did a spell we thought would help us in this situation, but it turns out, it doesn't.

Piper: what spell was it?

Wyatt: heightened abilities spell. We thought maybe it would give us more power.

Piper: no at spell is to trick warlocks into thinking that so they'll, you know, float. Like you. Heightened, get it?

Melinda: well, maybe for us good witches you could have told us that.

Piper: there's a little note on the page saying not a spell in Latin. You guys do know Latin, right?

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